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School of Business

Cougar Business Resource Center

School of Business


" Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?

Do you ever feel so paper thin like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?

Do you ever feel already buried deep?..."

Katy Perry (on life without a Scope Statement)

A Scope Statement is a project's written definition of what needs to be done by when, and all key stakeholders should sign the Scope Statement to indicate agreement. Our template includes these basic sections: Mission, Justification, Assumptions, Communication Plan, Documentation Plan, Stakeholders with signature blocks.

The following links provide the Scope Statement template, including elaboration on what goes into each section, and a sample Scope Statement.

SIUE Template: Scope Statement

Example: Scope Statement

[ Further details can be found in Techniques for Managing Projects, [email protected] ]

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