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School of Business

Cougar Business Resource Center

School of Business


"Successive recurrences of the same negative situation are hardly a mistake -- they are neglect."

Neal Whitten, Project Management Consultant

The Post-Project Review (PPR) is a key step in the closing of a project.  Sometimes called a project postmortem, the PPR is a facilitated meeting where the project team reflects on the project experience and outcomes.  The purpose is to review the project, to understand what happened, what worked well, and what to do differently next time.  It is not about finding fault with anyone, but about learning from the team's experiences.

Key features of the PPR session are:

  • The PPR session is led by a facilitator with a formal agenda
  • All team members, including the project manager, participate
  • Individual preparation is to be completed by all participants prior to the PPR
  • An important output of the PPR session is the PPR Report

Below are links to our PPR Agenda template and our PPR Report template:

SIUE Template:  PPR Agenda

SIUE Template:  PPR Report

[ Further details can be found in Techniques for Managing Projects, [email protected] ]

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