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School of Business


Nancy rode along, glancing occasionally at the neatly planted fields on either side. Beyond were rolling hills.
"Pretty," she commented to herself. "Oh why can't all people be nice like this scenery and not make trouble?"

Nancy Drew Mystery Stories

The Secret of the Old Clock (1959, p. 34)

Techniques for Managing Projects identifies 10 problems that commonly occur in projects and provides a best practice for resolving each of them. The recommended practice for each problem is explained in further detail in Chapter 5 of Techniques for Managing Projects.

Here, we list the 10 problems with a link to a brief tickler to remind you of the general direction of the recommended best practice to resolve the problem:

1. My teammate is a dolt.

2. Team member is late with a deliverable.

3. Team member delivers something on time, but it comes up short in some way (e.g., is not what is needed or lacks quality).

4. A team member is dominating discussion.

5. A team member is overly quiet and not contributing to discussion.

6. Team members are not reporting the status of their work -- particularly when they are behind schedule.

7. A team meeting starts to get heated or personal.

8. A team member is skipping meetings and, in general, not contributing equally.

9. Team members are complaining about a fellow team member behind his/her back.

10. In executing your project plan, your team encounters something unexpected -- something major that is beyond what could be handled as an action item.

[ Further details can be found in Techniques for Managing Projects, [email protected] ]

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