Academic Development Courses
Learning Support Services offers three enhancement Academic Development courses that are graded on a letter-grade basis. These enhancement courses carry elective credit, which may be counted for graduation credit, and include AD 115 Study Skills, AD 116 Reading Speed and Efficiency, and AD 117 Career Planning and Development.
Study Skills
AD 115 (2 cr. hrs.) Study Skills
Improve study behaviors and attitudes through academic goal setting, study systems, note-taking techniques, test-taking strategies, time management, classroom communication and problem solving. Two contact hours.
Speed Reading
AD 116 (2 cr. hrs.) Reading Speed & Efficiency
Reading Speed and Efficiency focuses on improvement of reading rate and flexibility. The course also emphasizes comprehension, vocabulary development, and textbook reading strategies as related to reading efficiency and overall academic performance.
Career Planning
AD 117 (2 cr. hrs.) Career Planning & Development
Career decision-making process investigates self-awareness, career exploration, career information gathering, life styles and job-search strategy including development of resumés, interviewing skills and networking techniques.