Career Planning
AD 117 Career Planning & Development – (2 credits)
Course Objectives
- To gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world of work.
- To become familiar with a variety of career-related resources.
- To understand the process of career development.
- Learn to compose resumés, cover letters, references and thank-you letters.
- To become familiar with job search strategies including networking and interviewing.
- To gain determination and confidence in pursuing and obtaining a career.
Course Text
Career Achievement Growing Your Goals (1st Edition), McGraw-Hill. Blackett, Karine (2011), ISBN: 978-0-07-337700-1
Course Requirements
- Class Participation: Students are expected to come to class prepared to participate in discussions and class activities. Chapters should be read before classroom discussion. Habitual lateness to class will adversely affect your participation points.
- Attendance: Each student is allowed two absences. However, for each absence after two, points will be deducted from the student’s final grade.
- Job-Related Resources: Each student will be required to create a resumé, cover letter, list of references, professional social media profile, and personality profile.
- Majors and Jobs Exploration Projects: Students will research majors and possible jobs and careers that can be attained through that major, view job listings in these areas, and write a paper reflecting their findings.
- Career Event Project: Students will participate in an event – such as a workshop, seminar, social network, job shadow, tour, etc. – related to their career interest. They then will formulate a presentation about their experience.
- Final Project: There will be no comprehensive final exam for this class. Instead, students will interview a professional from a career field they are considering, and write a paper summarizing and reflecting on the interview.
Assignment Points Possible | Points Available |
Attendance & Participation | 50 |
MBTI Project | 50 (20 completion, 30 participation) |
Majors Exploration Paper | 20 |
Journals | 30 |
Dialogues | 40 (15 completion, 25 participation) |
LinkedIn Profile | 40 |
Resumé | 65 |
Cover Letter | 40 |
Career Event Paper | 75 |
Interview Paper | 90 |
Total | 500 |
Grading Scale |
A = 540-450 |
B = 449-400 |
C = 399-350 |
D = 349-300 |
F = 299-below |
NOTE: All assignments are due as indicated on this syllabus. Late assignments will result in a letter grade reduction for EACH class period it is late. It is the student's responsibility to find out any missed information during an absence.
Students needing accommodations because of medical diagnosis or major life impairment will need to register with Accessible Campus Community & Equitable Student Support (ACCESS) and complete an intake process before accommodations will be given. The ACCESS office is located in the Student Success Center, Room 1270. You can also reach the office by e-mail at [email protected] or by calling 618-650-3726. For more information on policies, procedures, or necessary forms, please visit the ACCESS website at
Academic Integrity
SIUE will not tolerate inappropriate behavior, cheating, or plagiarism. Failure to follow these rules may result in a zero on a paper or test, a failing grade for a course, or even expulsion from school. Students may refer to the SIUE booklet “Student Conduct and Student Grievances: Rights and Responsibilities” if they have questions about the policy.