Helping All Students Succeed
Greetings! Learning Support Services has a rich history of helping all students succeed, and our courses and programs are designed to prepare individuals for the rigors of more advanced work and to help them become lifelong learners.
We understand that not all students come to a university with the same level of academic experiences, and we are committed to making sure individuals obtain the expertise necessary to succeed in degree programs as quickly as possible. Therefore, we offer three enhancement courses that are electives and count toward graduation credit – AD115 Study Skills, AD116 Reading Speed and Efficiency, and AD117 Career Planning and Development.
In addition, we operate a variety of free tutoring services across campus staffed with over 80 undergraduate, graduate, and professional staff. The Tutoring Resource Center, Supplemental Instruction (SI), and the Writing Center are all available to help individuals who struggle or those who want to stay at the top of their classes. These services are often a cornerstone of successful students, and I encourage utilizing them early and often in an academic career.
Academic excellence is not something that usually comes naturally – it is something that must be worked for and repeatedly reinforced throughout life. SIUE is committed to making sure students are able to respond to the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, and Learning Support Services is here to help in that mission so that all our students can effect positive changes here and throughout the world.
Remember, it is up to you to determine how your academic career transpires. Do not let the first day of classes be the best day of your academic journey – be sure to reach out and come see us as you work to achieve your goals.
Let’s go,
Chad Verbais
Assistant Director of Supplemental Education/Learning Support Services
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Student Success Center, Room 1244
Campus Box 1630
Edwardsville, Illinois 62026
[email protected]