Commonly Asked Questions
What happens after I refer a student?
We will acknowledge receipt of your report and may reach out for clarifying information.
Once you submit a report, it is uploaded to a campus software system. A member of the Student Care and Advocacy Network (SCAN) will process the report and reach out to the student. Most often, they will reach out via SIUE email. If it is a more urgent need, they may contact the student in another manner.
Some concerns mandate the student make an appointment. Other concerns do not. If the student is not mandated to set a meeting, they will receive information about campus and community resources.
Who contacts the student?
The Student Care and Advocacy network is comprised of staff members from the Office of the Dean of Students, ACCESS, Counseling, Student Success, Academic College representatives, and EOA. Each of these individuals is properly trained in responding to students of concern and maintaining appropriate levels of confidentiality.
Will someone let me know what is happening?
Because most of what SCAN may discuss with the student of concern is confidential, it would not be appropriate to share that information with the report.
How do I interact with them after submitting a concern?
If you told the student you submitted a report, they might be upset. However, they might be thankful to know resources are on their way. Let them know that you will continue to be a support as they hear from a member of SCAN once the report is processed.
The student will only know you’ve submitted a report if you were direct and and shared that information with them. If you did not tell them about the report, continue to interact with them normally. Be a support. Share campus resources with them.