Grade Submission Deadline
- Grades are due at noon on the first Monday following Finals Week. You may begin submitting grades at the conclusion of your course throughout the term. However, the submission deadline remains consistent for all classes. Information regarding the term calendar may be found under key dates and deadlines.
- For a quick summary, please see these deadline dates for Spring 2025. Note, that all grades are due by Noon (CST) on the Grade Due Date as listed below.
Spring 2025 Grades are due at Noon as follows:
POT Code
POT Name
Course End Date
Grades Due
Winter Session
01/05/2025 01/21/2025 D1
One Week
01/17/2025 01/21/2025 H1
Five Week
02/07/2025 05/12/2025 K1
Eight Week
02/28/2025 05/12/2025 FEW
First Eight Weeks
03/07/2025 03/10/2025 SP1
Spring 1
03/07/2025 03/10/2025 H2
Five Week
03/14/2025 05/12/2025 K2
Eight Week
03/28/2025 03/31/2025 M1
Ten Week
03/28/2025 03/31/2025 H6
Five Week
04/25/2025 05/12/2025 1
Full Term
05/09/2025 05/12/2025 SP2
Spring 2
05/09/2025 05/12/2025 TS
Travel Study
05/09/2025 05/12/2025 PT2
Pharmacy Semester I
05/09/2025 05/12/2025 S
Scheduling Use Only 05/09/2025 05/12/2025 SEW
Second Eight Weeks 05/09/2025 05/12/2025
- For a quick summary, please see these deadline dates for Spring 2025. Note, that all grades are due by Noon (CST) on the Grade Due Date as listed below.
Grading Policies & Grading Information
- Grading System
- Valid Grades by Grade Mode - Grade Modes with Corresponding Grades (.xlsx)
- Pass/No Credit Grading Option
- Incomplete Grades
Grade Submission Instructions
NEW Summer 2023 - Grade Submission Instructions (SSB9 - Detail Steps)
- Step 1: Go to CougarNet
- Step 2: Click on either Enter CougarNet with your e-ID or Enter CougarNet with your University ID
- Step 3: Enter your e-ID and password
- Step 4: Click on Faculty Services
- Step 5: Click on Final Grades
- Step 6: Under the Final Grades tab, click on the course to enter grades.
- Step 7: Select the final grade from the drop-down box or type in the respective grade letter for each student and click Save.
- Last Attend Date (MM/DD/YYYY) must be entered for all F, WR, or UW grades. Last Attend Date Instructions - Beginning Spring 2022, F, WR, and UW grades will all require Last Date of Attendance
- Note - if you are needing to advance to the next page, you must click Save before advancing. Grades will NOT be retained on the page unless you click Save before advancing.
- Repeat Step 7 until all grades are entered.
Instructors who wish to export or import final grades for students can use the "Import" feature that can be found by clicking the "gear or sprocket" icon in the top, right-hand corner of the page (keyboard shortcut - ALT+L to see the Tools menu).
- The "Export Template" feature will export the current class list into Excel Spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx), then click Export. This will provide a template of the fields you wish to enter for utilizing the Import feature to enter grades.
- The "Import" feature will allow you to upload an Excel Spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx) into the Grade entry. By a series of five steps, you will be able to select and upload your Excel file, Preview your uploaded file, Map key fields required, Validate, and Finish the process. After the Grades have been uploaded, be sure to click Save.
Attendance Policies
Grading/Attendance Scenarios
Scenario I
One of my students has been faithfully attending my class and completing assignments in a timely manner. She suddenly stopped attending without contacting me. I was aware that she had been having family medical issues and I suspect the situation may have taken her attention away from my class. I don't want to negatively impact her grade, but I haven't discussed the option of completing requirements at a later date.
In this example, it might be best to assign a grade of WR. Since Incomplete grades automatically roll to an F after one year and the instructor and student didn't have the opportunity to discuss remaining requirements, the WR will serve as an accurate reflection on the student's record that she did not earn a grade in the class.
Scenario II
I have around 100 students in my class each semester. I do not take attendance nor do I require attendance. All students receive a grade calculated from their assignments and exams.
In this example, the instructor will need to re-evaluate the calculation of final grades. When a student has not submitted any work or completed any exams, the student would be assigned a grade of NS rather than earning an F.
Scenario III
I gave a student a final grade of NS because she never showed up in my class. After the term was over, she approached me wanting me to give her an F so that she could retain her financial aid. She said that she had been living in University housing and could not afford to lose her financial aid.
In this example, the instructor does not have the option to change the grade. Students who have questions regarding their eligibility to retain financial aid should be referred to the Office of Financial Aid. It is the instructor's obligation to report grades that accurately reflect a student's completion of a class. It is not the instructor's responsibility to help students retain financial aid.
Scenario IV
I have an attendance policy that stipulates that a student's grade will be lowered with each unexcused absence. A student attended in the beginning of the class and again at the end, but missed enough classes throughout the term to have their grade lowered to an F.
In this example, an F is an accurate reflection of the grade earned in your class. The student does not have to be present at all classes or complete all assignments/tests to earn a grade of completion.