Purpose of Program Review
Program Review is a systematic way to assess the quality of SIUE's academic programs and determine ways to improve the quality of education, scholarship, and service. The purpose of program review is twofold: first, to assure that the faculty and administration provide high-quality professional, graduate, and undergraduate programs for students; second, to identify opportunities for improvement in each program.
Undergraduate Program Review
- Program Review Self-Study Report Cover Page (.pdf)
- Program Review Self-Study Template (.pdf)
- Internal Review Report Guidelines/Template (.doc)
- External Review Report Guidelines/Template (.doc)
Graduate and Professional School Program Review
- Program Review Self-Study Report Cover Page (.pdf)
- Program Review Self-Study Template (.pdf)
- Internal Review Report Guidelines/Template (.doc)
- External Review Report Guidelines/Template (.doc)
Interim Program Review
- Undergraduate Interim Program Review Template (.doc)
- Graduate Interim Program Review Template (.doc)
Initial Review (New Programs Only)
Sample Reports
- Sample Self Study (full) (.pdf)
- Sample Internal Review Report (full) (.pdf)
- Sample Self-Study (abbreviated) (.pdf)
- Sample Internal Review Report (abbreviated) (.pdf)
- Sample Initial Report (.pdf)
- Sample Interim Report (.pdf)
Program Review Process
Every eight years each undergraduate, graduate, and professional program will initiate a self-study. The self-study document will be part of a program review process that focuses on program performance, continuous program improvement, the identification of problems and solutions, and evidence of student learning outcomes. The self-study will present both an analysis and a description of the total academic program and its future. It must contain specific information on each degree program. Self-studies will be due to the Office of Provost the first Tuesday in September, and will then be distributed for internal review.
The second facet of the Program Review process will be an internal review. During this stage, the self-study will be reviewed by an internal review team. The Internal Review Committee, composed of at least three faculty members from SIUE but outside of the program, will be selected by the Office of the Provost. An invitation will send out for faculty to serve on Internal Review Committees and select teams that represent diverse academic disciplines.
The Internal Review Committee will provide an objective view on the quality of the program, the program's self-study process, and the accuracy of the self-study document. The Internal Review Committee will review, analyze, and write recommendations based on the program's self-study report. In addition to the review of the self-study, the Internal Review Committee will conduct interviews of students, faculty, and administrators to gather additional information. They will also rate the program as exemplary, in good standing, or flagged for priority review. The internal review committee will file a formal report summarizing the findings.
The Internal Review Committee must submit an electronic draft of the final report to the Office of the Provost with questions or items for clarification by the 1st Thursday in November. Draft reviews will be distributed to the deans and chairs for feedback. The draft review and feedback/comments from the program will also be submitted to the Office of the Provost for examination. Final reports must be submitted to the Associate Provost by the first Tuesday in December, who will then forward these reports to the program deans and chairs for written responses. The program's dean and chair will respond to the internal and external reviewers' reports by addressing administrative concerns and future directions for the program. The chair's and dean's responses will be due by the first Thursday in February.
The self-study, internal review report, chair's report, and dean's report will be filed electronically to the Office of the Provost. The undergraduate review reports will be sent to the Curriculum Council, while graduate review reports will go to the Graduate Council Programs Committee. The Curriculum Council or Programs Committee will rate programs as either "in good standing," "flagged for priority review" or "enrollment suspended." All documents, including recommendations and ratings, will then be sent to the Office of the Provost.
Following a review from the appropriate committees, the program director, chair, dean, Dean of the Graduate School (for Graduate Program reviews) and representatives from the Office of the Provost will meet and discuss the program review. When appropriate, the parties will draw up a memorandum of agreement on actions to be taken and a timeline for completion. If changes are recommended, the parties will meet one year later to discuss progress and discuss whether further measures are needed to ensure implementation.
Programs will also file an Interim Report at the halfway point in the program review. This Interim Report will require programs to list recommendations from the previous program review and progress made on the recommendations.
Programs that participate in self-study and external review for accreditation will work with the Office of the Provost to be reviewed in an abbreviated format that will be aligned with their accreditation process to eliminate redundancy in the program review process. The Office of the Provost may accept documents prepared for external accreditation for an internal program review.
The program review process with be formally evaluated and reviewed every three years by the Office of the Provost to maintain continuous improvement in the review process and to allow the process to be responsive to program needs.
Program Review Training
In order to make sure that members of the internal review team are appropriately trained and prepared to conduct a successful program review, the Office of the Program in collaboration with the Graduate School conducts training sessions for department chairs and members of the internal review teams. Examples of training sessions are available below:
Department Chair Training Session
Internal Review Team Members Training Session