Assessment Plans
The Undergraduate, Graduate and Professional Program Assessment Plan includes a description of a program's benchmarks or outcomes for student learning (i.e. what competencies should students have upon graduating from the program.) It also establishes performance indicators, or assessment by which a program can measure its success based on student-learning outcomes. Benchmarks for graduate programs must be aligned with the goals of graduate learning as defined by SIUE's Graduate Council. Professional programs will follow graduate guidelines and include additional information regarding clinical experiences. For undergraduate programs, the Senior Assignment must be used as one of the performance indicators/assessments. Theses, final projects/performances, exams, or portfolios must be used for the graduate programs. If course grades are used as one of the assessments, specific guidelines must be followed. The guidelines are available here.
A primer to assessment process is also available here.
Templates for Assessment Plans can be found at the following links:
- Undergraduate Program Assessment Plan Template [doc]
- Graduate and Professional Program Assessment Plan Template [doc]
Rubrics for Assessment Plans and a sample Assessment Plan can be found at the following links: