Web Conferencing
Zoom is a web conferencing tool that SIUE faculty, staff, and students can use for a variety of purposes, including: synchronous online meetings, lecture capture, live or recorded screen sharing, group messaging, and more.
All faculty, staff, and students are provided with a licensed account. This means you can host and record meetings with no time limit, and can have up to 300 participants at one time.
To host a meeting with more people, jump to the webinar section below.
Work through the self-paced training course to learn how to use the Zoom tool effectively, end-to-end. For further information, view the sections below for specific help topics and tutorials.
Getting Started with Zoom
Scheduling and Recording
In-Meeting Features
Meeting Security
Security is a crucial aspect of scheduling Zoom meetings. To prevent any “Zoom bombings” or unwanted guests, secure your meetings by requiring a passcode, enabling a waiting room, requiring authentication, and only sharing the link with a known audience (via email, Blackboard, etc).
Cloud Recording
Important information about cloud recording:
- All Zoom cloud recordings will automatically be uploaded to your YuJa account.
- After you have finished recording, a link to download the Zoom recording will be emailed to you. The email may not come immediately as time will be needed to process and upload the recording.
Your personal Zoom account allows for 300 simultaneous participants. If more than 300 and less than 500 simultaneous attendees are expected during a meeting, faculty and staff may request a scheduled webinar in advance.
SIUE has a very limited number of Zoom webinar licenses therefore, webinars cannot be requested for personal class meetings. To set up your Zoom Personal Meeting Room like a webinar, see these instructions:
Blackboard Integration
Tips for Students
If students need to conduct their own live or recorded Zoom meetings - to carry out a group project without the professor, for example - then they will need to sign into Zoom (with their SIUE email address and password) and set up their own meeting space.
Zoom Help
Contact the Help Desk at 618-650-5500 or [email protected] or the Zoom administrator at [email protected] for more help with Zoom.