Frequently Asked Questions
( .pdf version)
About Qualtrics
- What is Qualtrics?
Qualtrics is web based software that allows the user to create surveys and generate reports without having any previous programming knowledge.
- Why use Qualtrics?
Qualtrics enables you to do surveys, feedback and polls using a variety of distribution means. Results can be viewed in reports and can be downloaded. Qualtrics allows you to share surveys and results as well as collaborating with other users. - What can I use Qualtrics for?
As an aid to research, use Qualtrics to create surveys, reports on results from surveys, create polls. - Is Qualtrics secure?
Yes, Qualtrics is secure. An SIUE e-id and password is required. - Can anyone access my data?
Only people that you have shared/collaborated with will be able to view your data. - Where are the surveys/results stored?
The surveys, polls, results and reports are stored on Qualtrics secure servers. - Can this be used on a Mac?
Qualtrics can be used on a PC or a Mac. - Is there a preferred browser?
No. Can be used with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome.
Qualtrics Accounts
- Who can use Qualtrics?
Faculty, staff and students using their SIUE e-id and password. - How do I get an account?
From browser, navigate to Will be redirected to SIUE log in web page. Log in using your SIUE e-id and password.
Note: Please do not create an account from home page. If you have already created an account this way, please contact the Help Desk, ext. 5500 or email [email protected]. - Where do I log in?
From browser, navigate to Will be redirected to SIUE log in web page. Log in using your SIUE e-id and password. Suggest that you bookmark this location. - How do I change my password?
You can update your password by visiting our e-ID Support Page. - Can I access my surveys/results off-campus?
Yes, wherever you have internet access you can access Qualtrics. But, you will still need to use the SIUE log in not the Qualtrics log in. - Is there a limit on how many surveys/results can be open or archived?
Yes. If it is an issue, contact ITS Help Desk, ext. 5500 or email [email protected] and your request will be processed.
- How do I get help?
From browser, navigate to Qualtrics offers a very extensive online training.
Contact ITS Help Desk, ext. 5500.
Email [email protected].
Web pages:
Students -
Faculty and Staff - - Can I get training?
A variety of training is available online from Qualtrics. This includes training by topic and live online training (webinars). From browser, navigate to
ITS offers trainings:
Faculty and Staff -
- How do people know/take my survey?
You decide the method through the distribution process. This can be email, link embedded on a web page, link using a social network (e.g., Twitter, Facebook). - Can anyone see my survey?
Depends upon how you published your survey. - Can I create a template?
Yes, create a survey, assign a name that it is recognized as your template (and not an actual survey) and remember not to distribute it. - Can I copy other surveys to create a new survey?
Yes. You can copy entire survey or just a question. You can copy from any survey you have saved, that has been shared with you from another user or from the library. - Can I download my surveys or save them locally?
Yes, export as a .qsf file for a backup copy. - When creating a survey what does display logic refer to?
Basically, it is the order or if questions are asked. Display logic is too involved to answer here. From your browser, navigate to, select Question Options/display logic.
- What happens to my results?
Results are shown in an Initial Report. Very basic, reports number of responses, percentages and basic statistics. - Can I share my results?
Yes. You decide on who has access to your raw data or you can make a report public. - Can I download my results?
Yes. It can be downloaded as .csv, SPSS, xml or html.