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Alumni Surveys

The Office of Institutional Research has routinely conducted Alumni surveys to provide data for program reviews and various planning purposes.

Archived surveys of Baccalaureate graduates that were conducted via mail from the mid-1980's through 2015 are available on our Historical surveys page.

Online Alumni surveys began for students earning degrees in calendar year 2018. PDF versions of the survey results are available using the links below.

Links to annual baccalaureate and graduate alumni surveys
Survey Year
Baccalaureate Graduate
Adobe Acrobat file Adobe Acrobat file
2019 Adobe Acrobat file Adobe Acrobat file
2020 Adobe Acrobat file Adobe Acrobat file
2021 Adobe Acrobat file Adobe Acrobat file
2022 Adobe Acrobat file Adobe Acrobat file
2023 Adobe Acrobat file Adobe Acrobat file

These surveys are administered and the survey results compiled by the Office of Institutional Research and Studies. Please contact Eric Lichtenberger [email protected] with any questions or comments.

Last update: 8/6/2024

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