Funding Search Resources
GrantForward Database
GrantForward is the prime funding and faculty profile tool for SIUE. It allows researchers to search and save opportunities and create funding alerts. Access to GrantForward can be gained from any SIUE IP address, and off campus through an account profile.
Use your SIUE sign-in credentials to login to If you have it bookmarked, the new url is If you kept yourself signed in, you will need to sign out and then sign back in through SSO.
NOTE: if you need to edit your profile on GrantForward, it is easy to delete your biography. After editing your profile, always double check that your biography is there by exiting and logging back in to check your profile.
Sometimes you can create a Kuali Research (KR) proposal directly from a GrantForward funding opportunity. Log into GrantForward, search for any grant and click it to open it. On the right you’ll see in a green box “Create Proposal.” Clicking that will link will navigate you to KR to create a new proposal with the Grant Forward boxes prefilled. You will not have to download the funding opportunity information and then store it locally; information is stored and can be referenced right within the Sponsor and Program Information section of the proposal.
For more information view this training video on use of filters, GrantForward navigational tips, other guides, the LIB Guide prepared by Lovejoy Library, or email [email protected].
Other Funding Search Resources
State of Illinois Funding Opportunities
The Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) is a single, authoritative, statewide, comprehensive source document of Illinois funding opportunities.
The Philanthropy News Digest
Individuals may sign up for updates on the funding climate and requests for proposals from private foundations according to disciplinary area at the Philanthropy News Digest website. Sign up to have alerts sent to your email in areas related to aging, animal welfare, arts and culture, athletics and recreation, children and youth, civil and human rights, community development, education, the environment, health and human services, international affairs, journalism/media, medical research, philanthropy and volunteerism, religion, science and technology, and women and girls' issues.
H-Net Academic Announcements-Funding and Fellowships
The H-Net website declares itself as "an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web." However, the various announcement lists through this groups also provide valuable information about prizes, job announcements, calls for papers, and funding opportunities. The Academic Announcements list shows funding for disciplinary areas in the humanities and social sciences ranging from literature, history, art, cultural studies, art history, memory, political science, medical and scientific history, language studies, legal studies, and more.
A central portal for all federal funding agencies, includes funding opportunities and submission information from each federal source. Agencies range from the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation to the Environmental Protection Agency, NASA, NIST, th National Endowment for the Arts, the Department of Labor, and many more. To learn more about how to use this resource take advantage of several tutorials offered. Once a funding opportunities has been identified, click the red Subscribe button to receive email updates about changes.
Specialized Funding Topics
- Diversity Topics
- Early Career Investigators (list edited by UC-Berkley)