Filing a SAP Appeal
Deadlines for Filing New SAP Appeals:
- Fall 2025 – Friday, September 26, 2025
- Spring 2025 – Friday, February 14, 2025
- Summer 2025 – Thursday, July 3, 2025
Submit an SAP Failed Probation Appeal
Download the SAP Appeal for Failed Warning Forms
- Complete the Appeal Application Forms. The SAPFW form and first page of the academic plan are for the student to complete, sign and return. The second page of the academic plan needs to be completed and signed by your academic advisor.
Identify all semesters that contributed to you falling below minimum SAP standards. This will be all semesters that you did not earn at least a 2.0 GPA and a 67% completion rate.
- Write a letter that explains what happened. All of the semesters you identified as contributing should be directly addressed in this letter. The committee will want clear answers to these questions in your letter of explanation:
- What happened? Be as detailed as possible.
- Have these circumstances been resolved? Provide details explaining how you resolved the circumstances.
- What plan has been put in place to help you if you struggle again in the future? (Future plan for success)
- Third-party supporting documentation will need to be collected and submitted with the Appeal forms and letter. This third-party supporting documentation should verify that the circumstances in your letter occurred and that they occurred during each of the semesters that contributed to being terminated from financial aid. From the SAPFW form:
- Documentation dates must coincide with the dates of your unsuccessful terms. Do not send cell phone photographs of documents.
- Acceptable documentation includes:
- Hospital bills, physician statements, obituaries, legal documents, etc.
- Letters and statements from caseworkers, instructors, counselors, medical professionals, etc. including contact information and signature. (Letters from friends or parents are not considered as acceptable supporting documentation.)
- Submit the three SAPFW forms (completed and hand-signed), letter of explanation, and third-party supporting documentation to the Office of Student Financial Aid.
The SAP Coordinator will review the documents you submit and determine whether or not your appeal is complete and ready to be forwarded to the committee for review. When the preliminary review is completed, you will receive an email informing you that either more information is required (and requesting the missing information) OR that your appeal has been forwarded to the committee.
If your appeal is approved, financial aid will be reinstated for one semester on a probationary basis. Some requirements must be met during this one probationary semester:
- Enroll in no more than 12 credit hours each term until you are back in good standing unless you have written approval from your advisor;
- Earn at least a 2.000 term GPA;
- Earn a passing grade in all transcripted courses (A, B, C, D, or P);
- No withdrawals after the 100% refund period; and
- Complete the "Academic Standing/SAP Standing" module. Completion of this module will be verified at the end of each Probation semester.
If you meet these requirements at the end of the one-semester probationary period, your probation will carry forward to your next enrolled semester and you will continue to be eligible for financial aid.
If you do not meet these requirements at the end of the one-semester probationary period, your SAP status will be updated to “Terminated for Failed Probation,” and your financial aid will be canceled for the next semester. You would need to file a new SAP Appeal addressing the one semester of failed probation, along with new circumstances and third-party supporting documentation.
Submit a Grad Plan Appeal
You will need to complete the Grad Plan appeal form with your academic advisor. Your advisor will list the classes that you need to graduate, broken into the semesters that they will be taken.
Your advisor will review your current transcript to look for classes you have already taken that are not considered to be part of your current program. These classes will be marked “N/A” on the transcript (Not Applicable). Example: You started with a major in French/Foreign Language. You will be taking classes that pertain to foreign languages and French in particular. Then a few years into your education, you change majors to mechanical engineering. None (or few) of those foreign language classes pertain to your new major of mechanical engineering, so they can be marked “N/A”.
When we receive your Grad Plan appeal, we will add all the attempted hours that you have taken to date. The hours you still need to take will be added to that total.
Then the hours that your advisor marked as N/A to your current major on your transcript will be subtracted from the total. If this new total is still higher than 150% of your current program’s published length, then your grad plan will be denied. If the new total is 150% or lower, then the grad plan will be approved and financial aid reinstated for the semesters listed on the appeal form.
The class plan set by your advisor in the appeal will be verified against your enrollment each semester, and they must match or your aid will be terminated. It is very important to enroll exactly as the plan was approved so that the math doesn’t change.
Submit a GUNCL Appeal
If the prerequisite classes are for admission to a graduate-level program, you will use the GUNCLG form.
If the prerequisite classes are for admission to a second bachelor’s program, you will use the GUNCLB form.
The GUNCLG/GUNCLB form will need to be completed and signed by you and your program advisor. Your program advisor will list the prerequisite undergrad classes that you need to be admitted to the new program, and which semesters these classes will be taken. A GUNCL is valid for THREE CONSECUTIVE SEMESTERS (ONE calendar year). This academic plan will be verified against your enrollment for the length of the approved GUNCL appeal, and any deviations from the plan will cause your appeal approval to be terminated.
When the completed GUNCLG has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the SAP Coordinator. You will receive an email and letter letting you know if it has been approved or denied.
NOTE – GUNCL Appeals are only valid for three consecutive semesters – ONE calendar year. After the third consecutive semester has passed – any additional classes must be paid for out of pocket or using alternative financing, until you have been accepted into your new program.