Commitment to a Safe and Inclusive Learning, Living and Working Environment
Ensuring compliance with equal opportunity and non-discrimination laws
EOA oversees the University’s response to all reports and complaints of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and sexual misconduct as well as the enforcement of University policies addressing these topics. The EOA Office also addresses reports of campus climates concerns and bias incidents.
Collaborating with offices and organizations across campus, EOA trains and educates faculty, students, and staff through online and in person programs on discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and sexual misconduct.
Working with campus partners, our goal is to help foster a more diverse and inclusive environment at SIUE.
You are encouraged to browse the website for more in-depth information about any of the areas overseen by EOA.
If you have any questions about the information contained on this website, or would like to file a report or complaint, contact us at [email protected] or Call 618-650-2333