Outdoor Recreation
Get outside! There are many amazing state parks with trails for hiking, biking, kayaking and all sorts of outdoor fun! Check out these resources for the complete listing of parks.
Did you know you can check out outdoor gear and equipment for a very reasonable price through SIUE Equipment Issue? Click here to see the tents, backpacks, coolers, kayaks, sleeping bags, and other amazing gear available for rent!
SIUE Bike Share Program
Bicycling has been part of SIUE since its inception. The Morris Trail was part of the original plan for the campus. The trail connects to the Madison County Transit Trail System and Edwardsville. Bicycling engages students with the outdoors and the community at large. Furthermore, cycling is a wonderful way to combine three things: fitness, recreation, and transportation. The mission of the bike share program is to encourage a culture shift in SIUE students, faculty, and staff toward increased reliance on non-carbon modes of transportation. This program will provide those who do not own bicycles with the opportunity to explore the SIUE campus and see how advantageous a bike can be while rediscovering the fun of bike-riding. Click here to learn how SIUE students and SFC members can checkout a bike to ride.
Upcoming Events
More details to come for all events and trips, please call or email Natalie Hawkins([email protected] or 618-650-3242)