Simulated Training for Professionals
The Virtual Professional Practice (VPP) Lab boasts a wide variety of environments available to suit the needs of many different training scenarios. Available environments include:
- Classrooms
- Office settings
- Conference rooms
- Medical examination room
- Hotel lobby
- Restaurant
Customer Service Training

The SIUE VPP Lab provides a Mursion™ hospitality training environment to immerse front desk staff in hospitality, healthcare and retail training that demand friendly and helpful customer service. In the hospitality scenario, the front desk hotel staff practice how to successfully handle all types of customers. As with any SIUE VPP lab scenario, you are able to fully customize the experience so that staff receive a full range of training opportunities that are specific to your setting.
Human Resources and Leadership Training

Through the SIUE VPP Lab, Mursion™ provides a multi-avatar environment for a potential human resources or leadership training opportunity. Staff can practice important meetings, such as performance reviews or employee interventions. Work trainees can practice facilitating team meetings or managing an interpersonal conflict that is impeding job performance. Scenarios are easily customizable in Mursion's™ simulator.
Standardized Patient Simulation

The SIUE VPP Lab provides scenarios specific to the healthcare industry which allow health care professionals to practice a wide range of essential interpersonal skills, including delivering negative diagnoses to family members or patients. In this customizable scenario, healthcare professionals can also rehearse critical patient interviews and meetings.
Teacher Preparation and Professional Development
One of our most popular scenarios, the SIUE VPP Lab provides an opportunity to practice hard-to-teach discrete instructional skills, such as classroom management and differentiation in a classroom setting.

This fully customizable environment allows pre or in-service teachers the opportunity to work on the following skills in a low-risk atmosphere:
- Practice challenging instructional strategies and lessons
- Improve how teachers communicate with parents
- Establish classroom routines and manage classroom behavior
- Assess teacher effectiveness
This can be applied to all grade levels.
See sample scenario planners for teacher preparation here.
Educator Leadership Training

The education leadership environment provided through the SIUE VPP Lab provides customized simulations for leaders in education—principals, assistant principals, instructional coaches and teacher leaders—to master essential administration skills, such as:
- Running important collaboration meetings
- Leading conflict resolution meetings
- Providing feedback to a struggling teacher
- Engaging parents in challenging conversations
- Effectively facilitating team meetings to improve instruction and address achievement gaps
Adult Avatars

As is the case with Mursion™ environments provided through the SIUE VPP Lab, the adult avatar environment is fully customizable. Featuring adult avatars can give the facilitator several different choices.