ELECTION DATE: April 9, 2025
Date of Elections
Balloting will primarily be done electronically online on Wednesday, April 9th from 6am – 6pm.
Candidates will be listed by constituency and in the order in which their candidate forms were received. The required Statements of Candidacy for each candidate wishing to run for Staff Senate is available at: Staff Senate Candidacy Form. This form is due by Wednesday, March 26, by 4:30pm.
Forms must be submitted via e-mail to the University Governance Executive Assistant, Michael Tadlock-Jackson, no later than 4:30pm on March 26, 2025. E-Mail address: [email protected].
Eligible Voters
Any Civil Service employee (excluding temporary, provisional, and extra help) or Administrative Staff employee who is currently employed on the date of election (April 9) is eligible to vote. A link to the electronic ballots will be sent via University e-mail to all eligible University employees.
*Any staff member needing a paper ballot must request one via e-mail, no later than Wednesday, April 2. Paper ballots will be sent via campus mail on April 3 and due back by April 12.
Positions Available
The following Staff Senator positions will be contested. Terms are for four (4) years, commencing July 2025.
- THREE (3) OPEN SEATS for the Civil Service: Negotiated and Prevailing classification
- FOUR (4) OPEN SEATS for the Civil Service: Open Range/Confidential, Managerial, and Supervisory Exclusions classification
- ONE (1) OPEN SEAT for the Administrative Staff: Represented classification
- ONE (1) OPEN SEATS for the Administrative Staff: Non-Represented classification
Additionally, seats specifically representing the East St. Louis campuses will be contested.
- ONE (1) OPEN SEAT FOR THE EAST ST. LOUIS CAMPUS representing either the Civil Service: Open Range/Confidential, Managerial, and Supervisory Exclusions classification or Administrative Staff: Non-Represented classification
Election Process
Employees will only vote for candidates in their University constituency group. Employees assigned to the Alton or East St. Louis campuses will also elect campus representatives. If the number of eligible candidates is equal to or less than the number of contested seats, candidates will be declared by acclamation and no ballots will be circulated to the full constituency.
Candidate Eligibility:
Any employee who holds an administrative appointment (on a full-time or term contract) or a full-time Civil Service appointment is eligible for membership on the Staff Senate, provided they have completed at least one (1) year of employment by July 1, 2025.
Application for Candidacy
Candidates must submit a completed Statement of Candidacy to be listed on the ballot. Positions on the ballot will be listed in the order the valid Statements are received.
Statement of Candidacy forms can be downloaded at: Staff Senate Candidacy Form.
Forms must be submitted via e-mail to the University Governance Executive Assistant, Michael Tadlock-Jackson, no later than 4:30pm on March 26, 2025. E-Mail address: [email protected].
Election Calendar
March 26, 2025 - Deadline for submission of Statement of Candidacy forms. Forms must be submitted to the University Governance Executive Assistant by 4:30pm. Any withdrawal of candidacy must be completed also by this date.
April 2, 2025 - Candidates announced and candidate information available on Staff Senate website.
April 9, 2025 - Election day. Electronic balloting ends at 6pm.
May 8, 2025 - Announcement of election results distributed for the campus.