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The Southern Illinois Professional Development Center, SIPDC, provides professional/staff development services to enhance the effectiveness of those serving adult learners. This site provides a sample of what is available through the SIPDC, links to other resources and programs, and an opportunity for you to contact us with your needs and requests. Click here to learn more about the SIPDC location and staff.
Our MissionOur mission is to provide quality staff development, focusing on transitioning and special learning needs, to all instructors affiliated with the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) Adult Education and Literacy program.
Trainings are held in a variety of venues: on-site, regionally, and online.
As defined by Title II of the WIOA, Adult Education enables adults to (1) become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency; (2) obtain the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children; and (3) complete a secondary school education. The Adult Education and Literacy Program is structured within the Illinois Community College System and housed within a postsecondary education institution. This structure is intended to drive higher transitions of adults with no postsecondary credentials into college, workforce, occupational, and/or degree programs. Adult Education in Illinois provides services that assist adults in improving their skills, achieving educational goals, and transitioning to further education or employment. Instruction is designed for adults functioning at the lowest levels of basic skills and English language instruction to those at advanced levels of learning. Along with Adult Basic Education, critical components in the Adult Education continuum include Adult Secondary Education, English literacy, civics, family literacy, correctional education, life skills, and services such as work readiness and college/training transitions.
“Expanding Career Pathway Opportunities in Adult Education: Strategic Directions for Illinois.” Strategic Five-Year Plan, 2018.
SIPDC provides professional development in the areas of Bridge development, integrated model development and sustainability. Additionally, career development, transition services, and contextualized instruction are focuses of professional development to assist programs in transitioning adult education students to post-secondary and/or the workforce.
As part of the transitioning professional development, SIPDC works in partnership with the Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support, the ICCB CTE professional development center to provide the Transitions Academy. The Transitions Academy is designed to assist colleges and partnerships working on developing Bridge and ICAPS (Integrated Career and Academic Preparation System) programs by increasing awareness of the expanding partnership between Adult Education and Career and Technical Education as it relates to the IET/ICAPS models, Illinois Bridge programs, and Illinois Programs of Study.
SIPDC offers a variety of in-person and online trainings to enhance effective teaching and learning strategies for all students. As part of these offerings, Special Learning Needs are defined and specific strategies are provided including accommodations for disabilities. The Foundations of Special Learning Needs focuses on informal assessments and instructional practices for all. The Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists is a nationally recognized training in existence in Illinois since 1999. The Institute enables the credentialed completer to administer and interpret the Payne Learning Needs Inventory, make recommendations on instruction improvement and enable the program to effectively address the needs of all students. The Foundations training, as well the Institute to Credential Special Learning Needs Resource Specialists, are part of the ICCB Instructional Staff Professional Pathways for Special Learning Needs. Successful completion of the Foundations training will provide credit towards completion of the Institute. Foundations training can also be completed as a stand-alone module.
SIPDC provides support, service, and staff development to adult education programs across the state of Illinois. Specific program information may be obtained by visiting the Adult Education Provider Locator at http://www.ilcco.net/AdultEd/index1.cfm