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Southern Illinois Professional Development Center

Southern Illinois Professional Development Center
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Erin Vobornik, Educational Training Specialist

[email protected]

Erin Vobornik is an Educational Training Specialist at the Southern Illinois Professional Development Center, part of the Illinois Community College Board Adult Education Professional Development Network. She holds a B.A. in French Translation and Business and an M.A. in the Linguistics from Northern Illinois University.  

Erin teaches ESL (all levels) at Elgin Community College. She also works for COABE as the Students as Leaders Coordinator. She is COABE’s State Advocate for Adult Education Fellowship (SAAEF) co-chair. Erin is on the IACEA Board of Directors and the co-chair of IACEA’s legislative committee. Erin has been in adult education for 9 years teaching HSE, ESL, ICAPS, Bridge, and learning community classes. She has engaged in Illinois professional pathways: ESL Standards Specialist, ABE/ASE Language Arts Proficient, and Equity Specialist. 

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