Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Elective
SIUE School of Pharmacy has partnered with JSS College of Pharmacy. One of the oldest institutions in the state of Karnataka, India, JSS has been training pharmacy professionals since 1973. This collaboration allows for student exchanges between the two programs.
Each year, two students in their final year of their pharmacy education have the opportunity to complete an elective rotation at each respective institution. SIUE students spend five weeks in India; JSS students spend a total of eight weeks in the U.S.
During this rotation experience, students have the opportunity to focus on specialized areas such as infectious diseases, psychiatric medicine, and pharmacovigilance. This is a life-changing educational opportunity for a select group of students to both live and learn in a culture and environment very different from their own.
The average cost is $2000 per student, with an average of two fourth year students traveling annually during the month of October. SIUE helps supplement up to $750 per student, but funds are limited. Pharmacists may volunteer to facilitate students' participation in India or sponsor a student.
Year implemented: Summer 2014
Faculty: Kelly Gable, Pharm.D., BCPP
Contact: [email protected] Make a Gift to the "Pharmacy Global Education Experiences" Fund