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Music Listening

Music Listening
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Radio Tapes

Bolen - Lovejoy Library is acquiring on a continuing basis copies of the tape collectionof Jim Bolen, St. Louis radio personality. Mr. Bolen has assembled over 1000 tapes of early radio shows going back to 1927, and also a series of documentary tapes covering such events as D-Day. The letter runs some eighteen hours and contains the voices of most of the important Allied leaders. In all, several hundred tape reels are to be copied.

Jazz - a 13-week radio series, "A Jazz Conversation," presented through the SIU radio network in the fall of 1970, featuring Al Rose, Dan Havens and Herb Smith. Thirteen half-hour tapes.

The Library soon hopes to add another series of radio jazz tapes, many of studio recording sessions which were never broadcast.

If you have questions or comments, about this collection, please contact Therese Dickman, Fine Arts Librarian, Lovejoy Library, at [email protected] or call 618-650-2695.

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