Library and Information Services Policy on Intellectual Freedom
Intellectual freedom, unrestricted inquiry, and access to information are key components to an informed, active, and engaged campus community. As part of a public university serving students, faculty, and various communities within and beyond the geographic boundaries of the institution, Lovejoy Library centers the importance of intellectual freedom as a fundamental operating principle: For students to engage in the life of the mind, for faculty to create knowledge and impart what they discover to their students, and for communities on campus and off to engage with a wide array of perspectives through our collections and programs.
We define intellectual freedom as the right of the individual to think for themselves. This freedom respects individual dignity and self-determination, allows people to form their own conclusions based on their own ideas, opinions, and curiosity, and to come to those conclusions through unfettered access to information. Key to this freedom is individual privacy in which to inquire freely, as well as freedom from censorship. (Derived from the ALA’s definition of Intellectual Freedom). Lovejoy Library reaffirms our commitment to the following documents:
- The American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights (2019), which commits libraries and librarians to provide access to diverse materials and perspectives, challenge censorship, protect individual privacy, and challenge infringements on intellectual freedom for individuals and groups.
- The American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement (2004) which affirms libraries’ commitment to the rights of patrons to read, and to reading and access as central to a functioning democracy.
- Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy (2C7 & 3C6) providing for the protection of individuals from harassment or discrimination based on their identity, status, or ability. In particular, the notion that the campus and library should be environments free from intimidation or fear, including when in pursuit of learning and the world of ideas.
- Southern Illinois University’s IP Policy (2H) which outlines the university’s commitment to intellectual property, freedom of research, and unrestricted dissemination of information.
We therefore prohibit attempts to ban, remove or otherwise restrict access to books or materials in our collection by outside parties. The library retains the right to curate its collection based on best practices within librarianship, and in keeping with the principles outlined in the documents above. Lovejoy library promotes free inquiry and provides access to a variety of diverse perspectives in furtherance of critically-engaged scholarship and other creative endeavors. We recognize the importance of access to a variety of perspectives in the pursuit of knowledge and strive to serve our populations by providing the opportunity to encounter and engage with ideas through our resources..
Policy Approval:
- Approved by: Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs
- Approved on: November 7, 2023
- Effective on: November 7, 2023
- Review cycle: As needed
Change History:
- Initial draft: September 14, 2023
- Revised by Office of the Provost and SIUE Legal Counsel, October 4, 2023
- Initial approval by Dean of Library and Information Services, November 6, 2023
Digital Collections Development Policy
Purpose and Goals
Library and Information Services creates digital collections to provide broader access to the research, scholarship and creative output produced by members of the university as well as the unique, rare, and at-risk materials collected by the University Archives and Unique Collections. These collections include both digitized and born digital items that have been deemed appropriate to publish online and made available to the general public, as well as those that cannot be put freely online but are judged important enough to be preserved digitally and made available to researchers on-site.
This policy applies to materials previously described as “digital resources” or files owned by the university, students, or faculty, as well as works made available pre-publication as part of an open access agreement. Materials designated as “electronic resources” refer to digital material that is licensed from a publisher and transferred to the user upon request (e.g.published eBooks, post-publication articles in journals and databases). Electronic resources are outside the scope of this policy and are considered elsewhere in LIS policy.
The resources selected to become part of Lovejoy’s digital collections are chosen to advance Lovejoy’s broader mission and vision. These collections will be digitally preserved and regularly checked for fixity. Lovejoy is committed to support the digital collections it has and to maintain its digital collections within the constraints of what can be realistically stored, preserved, and made accessible given its finite resources.
The purpose of this policy is to: 1) Create a consistent approach to selecting materials for digitization and deciding what previously digitized materials should be kept, 2) Guide the selection and management of born-digital resources, 3) Define levels of access and guide how these will be assigned based on an informed and unified assessment of risk, 4) Guide how and where digital collections will be made either publicly available or publicly findable, 5) Build nationally distinctive collections that will support research and enrich student learning, and 6) Define and guide the creation of online exhibits using Lovejoy’s digital collections.
Selection and Curation Criteria
The guidelines for collections within the Digital Archives and Institutional Repository (IR) are outlined briefly below:
- Materials will be assessed for: permission, privacy, and ethics; content; formats; preservation needs; resources and time; and demand. All factors will be weighed though not every factor must be met in order to proceed with a digital collection. Collections that meet more criteria will be prioritized over those that meet only a couple.
- All material in the Digital Archives and IR will comply with copyright guidelines.
- All materials will be selected based on institutional relevance and in keeping with best practices for preservation and knowledge organization.
- Material acquisition and digitization will be completed as time and resources are available.
- Legacy materials that do not fit our current criteria will be deselected during the process of curation. Creators will have a four-month window in which to claim their materials.
- All materials accepted to be part of the IR or Digital Archives will be hosted on a widely accessible platform that is in line with the VCU Web Standards and Guidelines on Accessibility. Items will be digitally preserved via a trusted, OAIS compliant digital preservation platform.
- Anyone may suggest materials to be digitized or added to the IR or Digital Archive by contacting the Digital Archivist or the OER and Scholarly Communications Librarian. Either the Digital Archivist or the OER and Scholarly Communications Librarian will review the selection criteria to make a decision and to set Lovejoy’s digitization priorities.
Maintenance and Curation
This policy has been created to aid in the development of cohesive, usable, maintainable, and high-quality digital collections and exhibits. However, it is possible that items, exhibits, or at times even entire collections may need to be deselected especially as legacy materials are being collected and moved to our digital preservation repository and published online. This could be due to storage limitations, copyright issues, privacy concerns, or general collection weeding.
Library and Information Services’ digital collections represent historical sources that may contain offensive materials that do not reflect Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and Lovejoy Library’s ongoing commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access. Materials will typically not be removed for this reason as these are an important part of the historical record and have value in supporting research and student learning. However, if offensive language is found within library-created descriptions, individuals are urged to contact the Digital Archivist or the OER and Scholarly Communication Librarian who will assess if it is appropriate to improve or remediate the language used in order to mitigate harm.
Anyone may recommend the deselection of a particular item, full digital collection, or digital exhibit if there are concerns about its public display or long-term retention and preservation. Suggestions can be sent to the Digital Archivist or the OER and Scholarly Communication Librarian and will be reviewed based on the above policy and LIS’ Policy on Intellectual Freedom.
This policy provides a general explanation of Library and Information Services’ methods and underlying logic for maintaining and building our digital collections. We create digital collections in order to provide broader opportunities for access to knowledge production and creative output produced by members of the university, as well as access to archival materials that are unique, rare and/or at risk. This policy will be reviewed in Summer of 2026 and every two years thereafter.
Policy Approval:
- Approved- August 13, 2024
- Effective on August 13, 2024
- Review Cycle: August 2026 and every two years thereafter
Change History:
- First Reading July 30, 2024
- Second Reading- August 13, 2024
- Approved- August 13, 2024 by LIS Faculty & Staff Committee
Streaming Video Acquisition Policy
This policy establishes a structured and transparent process for acquiring video and movie content licenses through Kanopy. It ensures that the selected content aligns with our institution’s curricular needs while remaining within established budget constraints.
Request Guidelines
Faculty may request films for use as course materials. Priority will be given to films assigned on the syllabus. When the budget allows, requests that support faculty research or extra credit may also be approved. For budgetary reasons, we cannot license films for recreational viewing or for sampling small portions of multiple films.
Please note that film requests submitted by students will not be processed. We encourage students to communicate their curricular film needs to their faculty or instructor, who can submit a request on their behalf.
Criteria for Evaluation
To decide whether to acquire a video/movie license, the following criteria will be used:
- Curricular Relevance: The content should directly support the curriculum or research needs of the institution. Priority will be given to resources explicitly required for course syllabi.
- Usage Potential: Requests should demonstrate potential for significant use, such as for multiple courses or large class sizes.
- Budget Constraints: The cost of the license must fit within the allocated budget, given the constraint of a 1-year license period.
- Demand and Analytics: Usage data from Kanopy’s analytics section will be reviewed to understand past usage trends and inform future purchasing decisions. High-demand content or content that aligns with previously high-usage patterns will be prioritized.
Request Submission Process
Faculty will submit requests for new video or movie content using Kanopy’s request form. If additional information is needed for approval, a separate form will be provided to capture details such as:
- Course name and number or research project details.
- Number of students expected to use the resource.
- Specific reasons for the request, including how the content supports learning objectives.
- Description of how students will be viewing the video (e.g., presented in class by instructor or independently viewed by students).
- Whether viewing is required for all students in the course or optional.
Review Process
The designated librarian responsible for electronic resources will review requests based on the criteria above.
Requests will be reviewed as they are received. If a request is denied, an explanation will be provided to the requester, and alternative resources will be suggested when possible.
Please submit requests at least two business days before the film is needed to allow sufficient time for processing. For example, if you need a film for Monday, please submit your request by the preceding Thursday.
Continuous Improvement
Regularly review and update the selection criteria and the decision-making process based on feedback from faculty and changes in educational needs.
Use insights from Kanopy analytics to adjust purchasing strategies and ensure the most impactful content is acquired.
Library faculty and staff will update information about the request process, the criteria used for evaluation, and available resources during regular policy review cycles.
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually beginning June 2025, to ensure it continues to meet the evolving needs of the institution.
Additional Help
If you have any questions about using Kanopy or if you would like to inquire about Kanopy requests, please contact [email protected].
Access, Conduct, and Spaces
Access to the Library
Library and Information Services (LIS) at Lovejoy Library provides access to its facilities to the faculty, staff, and students of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, as well as to visitors to the campus and members of the general public, in order to promote the use of Library resources and to support teaching, learning, research, and study.
Access to the Alton campus Biomedical Library is limited to students, staff, and faculty of the School of Dental Medicine holding a valid SIUE Cougar Card. Current SIUE students and faculty who are not affiliated with the School of Dental Medicine can request access the Biomedical Library. Requests will be approved on a case-by-case basis.
In order to promote a safe and secure environment for its users, LIS reserves the right to limit access to its facilities, as appropriate, and in accordance with the Library’s Patron Conduct Policy.
Library Patron Conduct Policy
Library and Information Services provides its users, including faculty, staff, students, visitors, and community members, with an environment conducive to teaching, learning, research, study, and to the conduct of University business. Library users are expected to act responsibly, appropriately, and courteously in order to preserve the Library’s environment, facilities, and collections.
The Library has established policies in the following areas in accordance with the Library mission and broader policies and regulations enforced on the SIUE and Alton School of Dental Medicine campus:
- Disruptive Behavior
- Vandalism and Damage to University Property
- Cell Phones and Other Mobile Devices
Persons who violate any of these policies, or any other University policies, may lose their privileges to use the Library, be subject to University-imposed discipline, and/or be subject to criminal prosecution or other legal action, as appropriate.
The Library is not responsible for the security of personal belongings brought into Library facilities. The Library encourages its users to take every precaution to ensure the safety of personal belongings, and to remain alert to their immediate surroundings. The Library does not have facilities to store the personal property of its users, and may take no responsibility for theft, damage, or loss of personal property.
The Library reserves the right to temporarily suspend these policies, as appropriate, in order to accommodate meetings, receptions, and other events sponsored by the Library or the University.
Disruptive Behavior
The Library is committed to providing an environment conducive to teaching, learning, study, and research, and to providing a safe and secure environment for its users and its staff. Disruptive behavior is detrimental to that environment, and may pose a threat to the safety of Library users and staff. For the purpose of this policy, “disruptive behavior” is understood to include, but is not limited to, the following behaviors:
- Arguing, fighting, and/or any activity that creates excessive noise or commotion detrimental to the work of Library users
- Abusing, threatening, or intimidating Library users or staff through language or action
- Engaging in sexual harassment or overt sexual behavior in any Library facility
- Bringing weapons (real or simulated) into any Library facility
- Displaying overt signs of substance abuse, including drunkenness
- Use of musical instruments in any Library facility
- Use of audio device or other electronic device that creates excessive noise or in any other way disrupts the work of Library users
- Use of bicycles, skateboards, or other manually-propelled wheeled vehicles
- Entering areas of the Library marked as “Staff Only”
- Refusing to leave a Library facility at closing time, or as directed by Library staff
- Refusing to identify yourself to Library staff, when requested
- Soliciting goods, services, or donations
- Petitioning, conducting unauthorized surveys, unapproved advertising, or direct distribution of non-Library materials to Library users or staff
Library staff will take appropriate action to remedy disruptive behavior, including, if necessary, notifying the SIUE Police.
Vandalism and Damage to University Property
Any behavior that damages Library equipment, facilities, or collections is prohibited. The protection of Library materials is provided for by Article 16B of the Illinois Criminal Code (720 ILCS 5/Art. 16B) “Protection of Library Materials.” State statutes and University regulations provide penalties for theft of, tampering with, defacing, or unauthorized possession of municipal, state, University, or Library property, or the private property of members of the University community and public. Prohibited behaviors include, but are not limited to:
- Defacing Library equipment, facilities, or collections
- Deliberate misuse of Library equipment, facilities, or collections
The Library is committed to maintaining an environment conducive to teaching, learning, research, and study. Library users are reminded to be courteous of others in their use of cell phones and mobile devices, to be mindful of disruption to others, and to set cell phones and mobile devices to “vibrate” or “silent” modes while in Library facilities.
Policy on the Use of Library Instructional Spaces
The Teaching & Learning Classrooms are prioritized for the instruction of information literacy sessions by library faculty and staff. These spaces are available for departmental faculty use; advance reservation is required.
Based on the priorities of the rooms detailed below, reservations may be requested by completing the Information Literacy Request Form or by contacting the appropriate subject librarian. To schedule the Library’s Teaching & Learning Classrooms for purposes other than these priorities, please contact Library Administration at (618) 650-3050 or [email protected].
The Teaching & Learning Classrooms are located on the first and second floors, LL1058 and LL2022. The intent of these rooms is to serve as learning spaces to support the library’s mission and the university’s curriculum.
Teaching & Learning Commons B (LL1058) will be scheduled based on the following priorities:
- Course-Integrated Instruction
- Library-related events such as meetings and workshops.
- Instruction sessions for non-SIUE groups such as high schools, organizations, etc.
The Eugene B. Redmond Learning Center & Classroom (LL2022) will be scheduled based on the following priorities:
- Special Collections & backup library instruction
- Open study for students
- Special permission from the Dean
If the Library’s Teaching & Learning Classrooms are already scheduled or if room capacity is an issue, consider these alternatives:
- Invite the subject librarian to your classroom for an information literacy session
- Divide the class into multiple sessions
- For non-library related sessions that require computers, contact ITS. To reserve an ITS Computer Classroom, please call 618-650-5500 and ask to reserve a computer classroom.
Library Conference Room Reservation and Use Policy
- LIS conference rooms are available during regular building hours.
- Library and Information Services faculty, staff and students have priority for room usage.
- All reservations must be for university academic or departmental meetings, presentations, or other academic or scholarly activities. In special circumstances, LIS conference rooms may be used as classroom space for a limited number of class sessions or a limited period of time. In these cases, the Dean of LIS must approve the exception.
- Recognized student organizations are not permitted to use LIS conference rooms for regular or recurring meetings. In special circumstances, RSOs may reserve LIS conference rooms during regular operating hours for special events related to academic or scholarly activities and presentations once per semester.
Use of Spaces or Services by Campus Community Groups and Recognized Student Organizations
With many University units, groups, and communities and over 270 Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) on campus, many opportunities exist to partner with campus community groups and RSOs to further the Library’s mission and goals. Faculty and staff of the Library are periodically approached by representatives of campus community groups and RSOs seeking various types of support for their activities. These groups typically have asked to host events in the Library, set up information tables, display banners or posters, distribute surveys, set up donation boxes, put table tents on study tables, record videos, etc. To maintain sustainable and equitable access to spaces and services, some limitations may be placed on requests for use of the Library’s spaces and services.
Campus community groups and RSOs desiring to use Library spaces or services should contact the Library's Administration Office at least one week prior to the date of the proposed activity. If the request is for use of the space outside of the Library’s operating hours, would disrupt normal operations, or includes solicitation and/or the use of external vendor, campus community groups and RSOs should contact the Library’s Administration Office at least one month prior to the date of the proposed activity.
Requests for use of spaces or services will be reviewed with the following points in mind:
- Only requests from RSOs in good standing will be considered.
- The activity must fit within the Library’s mission.
- The activity must not disturb Library users or hinder staff in completing their work.
- Fundraising, events that charge a fee for entry, collecting money (sales or donations) or soliciting petition signatures is not permitted unless approved through the appropriate channels.
To facilitate communication and streamline approvals and operations:
- Campus community groups and RSO must designate an individual as the ‘responsible party’ of the special event to be held in the Library. The responsible party will be:
- the primary contact between the campus unit hosting the event and library staff;
- responsible for all coordination with library staff related to appropriate approvals and documentation;
- responsible for room set-up, catering, delivery, custodial and other specialized services for their event;
- responsible for clean-up of the space and removal of any event-related signage immediately after the event;
- responsible for keeping Library spaces in good condition.
- The Library does not provide storage for equipment, furniture, etc.
- Some support for moving furniture, equipment and space/room set-up may be provided by the Library by request. The ability to provide this service is contingent upon availability of staff.
- The campus community group is responsible for repairs, replacement, and/or cleaning as a result of their event.
- Events must be held during the library’s normal operating hours in areas designated for special events to minimize disruption to normal operations.
In special circumstances, events may be held outside of the library’s normal operating hours. Approval of such events will be made on a case-by-case basis by Library Administration. In these cases:
- A written description of the event, use of space(s), anticipated number of attendees, and other details must be submitted for approval by Library Administration. See Event Request Form.
- Library faculty and/or staff must be present for the duration of the event, including setup and cleanup. The ability to approve requests for after-hour special events is contingent upon the availability of staff.
- A University-approved assumption of risk/liability waiver, additional security (i.e. campus police presence or walkthroughs) may be required.
- If using an external vendor, documentation of the external entities liability or insurance coverage may be required.
Access, Conduct, and Spaces Policy Information
Related Policies (Library): Intellectual Freedom Policy
Related Policies (University): SIUE Policy 3C1. Student Code of Conduct; SIUE Policy 3C5. Workplace Violence Policies and Procedures; SIUE Policy 3C10. Responsible Use Policy; SIUE Policy 3C11. Firearms Policy; SIUE Policy 3C12. Clear and Present Danger Reporting Policy; SIUE Policy 3C14. Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence Policy and Procedures; SIUE Policy 6A2. Smoke-Free Campus Policy; SIUE Policy 6A4. SIUE Solicitation Policy; SIUE Policy 6A6. Policy Governing Advertising on Campus Properties; SIUE Policy 6C1. Regulations Governing Alcoholic Beverages at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; SIUE Policy 6E1. Policy on Expressive Activity; SIUE Policy 6F1. University Policy on Pets and Animals; SIUE Policy 6F5. Bicycles, Roller and In-Line Skates, Skateboards, Scooters and Electric Powered Vehicles Policy
Policy Approval:
- Approved by: Dean of Library and Information Services
- Approved on: November 14, 2023
- Effective on: November 14, 2023
- Review cycle: Every two years beginning Fall 2024
Related Library Policies: Intellectual Freedom Policy
Related University Policies: SIUE Policy 3C1. Student Code of Conduct; SIUE Policy 3C5. Workplace Violence Policies and Procedures; SIUE Policy 3C10. Responsible Use Policy; SIUE Policy 3C11. Firearms Policy; SIUE Policy 3C12. Clear and Present Danger Reporting Policy; SIUE Policy 2C13 and 3C14. Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence Policy & Procedures; SIUE Policy 6A2. Smoke-Free Campus Policy; SIUE Policy 6A4. SIUE Solicitation Policy; SIUE Policy 6A6. Policy Governing Advertising on Campus Properties; SIUE Policy 6C1. Regulations Governing Alcoholic Beverages at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; SIUE Policy 6E1. Policy on Expressive Activity; SIUE Policy 6F1. University Policy on Pets and Animals; SIUE Policy 6F5. Bicycles, Roller and In-Line Skates, Skateboards, Scooters and Electric Powered Vehicles Policy
Loan Periods and Renewals
To receive important library notices, activate and check your SIUE email account regularly. Report Any Changes To Your Local Mailing Address To The Lovejoy Library Circulation Department.
User Type | Book Collection | Browsing Books | Journals | Media Dept. | Special Materials - For All User Types |
SIUE Enrolled Undergraduate Students, Support Staff, Retirees | 4 weeks Unlimited Renewals Unless Recalled |
4 weeks Unlimited Renewals Unless Recalled |
No Checkout Allowed | 7 days | Reserve Materials 2 hour/1 day/7 day/14 days. No Renewals. Loan period determined by instructor. |
SIUE Enrolled Graduate Students | 8 weeks Unlimited Renewals Unless Recalled |
4 weeks Unlimited Renewals Unless Recalled |
No Checkout Allowed | 7 days | |
SIUE Faculty & Emeritus Faculty | 16 weeks Unlimited Renewals Unless Recalled |
4 weeks Unlimited Renewals Unless Recalled |
Unbound - 1 day Bound - 3 days No Renewals. | 7 days | Interlibrary Loan Material Loan periods determined by owning library. Most ILL items can be renewed online. |
Academic Employees | 16 weeks Unlimited Renewals Unless Recalled |
4 weeks Unlimited Renewals Unless Recalled |
Unbound - 1 day Bound - 3 days No Renewals. | 7 days | Special Loans Loan period determined by subject librarian. Cannot be renewed. |
Courtesy Borrowers | 4 weeks Unlimited Renewals Unless Recalled |
4 weeks Unlimited Renewals Unless Recalled |
No Checkout Allowed | 7 days | Recalled Items Items recalled for another patron must be returned by new date due to avoid fines/penalties. |
Additional Information
- An item cannot be renewed if another library patron has placed it on hold or recall.
- Some materials in the Library collections are non-circulating and must be used in the building.
- A receipt for materials you are returning is available upon request. Please tell us you would like a receipt before we check in your materials.
- You MUST present your SIUE ID card in order to check out materials. Courtesy borrowers must present valid authorization card and picture ID.
- You may NOT use another person's ID to check out materials.
- You are responsible for all materials checked out to you.
- Periodicals, Recordings, Recalled Materials, Reserve Materials, Special Loans, Network Cards & Laptops CANNOT be renewed.
- You may renew most library materials online. Please check that all items renewed -- return any item that does not display a new date due. Overdue materials can be renewed until they reach 30 day overdue status.
- Unpaid fines, replacement costs and processing fees are transferred to Bursar's Accounts Receivable.
- Media equipment is charged for 3 days and cannot be renewed.
Fines & Fees Information
Overdue Library Fines Listed Apply To All User Types/Groups
- Book Replacement - $75.00/replacement cost (whichever is greater)
- Book Collection Titles - No fines generate. After 30 days overdue - billed for replacement cost.
- Browsing Collection - $1.00 per day
- Periodicals - $1.00 per day
- DVDs - $2.00 per day
- Reserve Items - 2 hour loans/3 hour loans - $1.00 per hour
- Special Loans - $1.00 per day
- Materials 30+ days Overdue/Assumed Lost - Library privileges suspended until material returned and/or paid for. Unpaid fines/fees and replacement charges plus a non-refundable processing charge will be billed to the patron's Bursar account.
- Lost Materials - See Circulation Department Supervisor immediately.
- Damaged Materials - Material returned damaged but salvageable will result in repair charges.
- Interlibrary Loans - Fines/Fees determined by owning library and paid directly to them.
All charged library materials are subject to recall after a 2-week loan.
Equipment Policy
Loanable Equipment Checkout Procedure
- Equipment if available for loans of up to 7 days, depending on availability. Visit the Information Desk on the first floor of Lovejoy Library to request an item.
- Patrons must present a valid, physical e-ID card to check out Loanable Equipment.
- Laptop rentals are limited to one at a time. Please email [email protected] with questions.
Loan Information
- General Loanable Equipment items: up to 7 days, depending on availability.
- Overdue fines are $1 a day per item.
- No Renewals
Loanable Equipment Returns
- Please do not place equipment in library book drops.
- Items must be returned in person to the Information Desk on the first floor of Lovejoy Library.
- Items will not be discharged until after the equipment team receives and processes the items, which will mean a very minimal delay of discharge for your account.
Digital Rights & Permissions
- Lovejoy Library's images accessed on its Digital Collections and Exhibits page may be printed or downloaded by individuals, schools or libraries for personal use, study, research or classroom teaching without permission under the terms of "fair use" as defined by copyright law, United States Code, Title 17, Section 107.
- Permission to reproduce these images in any other form or any other use other than "fair use" must be obtained in writing from Lovejoy Library, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. This includes but is not limited to: electronic or paper publishing, World Wide Web sites, film, DVD, CD, video, exhibits, interior design, product presentation or advertising.
- All uses of reproductions must cite and attribute the image in the following format : image id #,image title; collection name; Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and URL of the collection.
- Lovejoy Library (SIUE) reserves the right to refuse an application if it is apparent that the proposed use would violate copyright law or compromise the authenticity of the material as an historical document.
- Applicants must assume full responsibility for questions of potential copyright violation in their use of digital images. While copyright of electronic format, metadata and descriptive material for the digital collections and exhibits created by the Lovejoy Library is retained by Southern Illinois University, copyright for images in Lovejoy Library's Digital Collections and Exhibits may be owned by other individuals, publishers, or institutions.
- Information on copyright is available at the Copyright Information Center at Cornell University, Library of Congress, or Stanford University websites.
Request a Digital Reproduction of LIS Special Collection Materials
Student Privacy
Original or copied work produced by students, or any items which specifically identify students by name or image, must include written permission from the students indicating that they have been made aware of this request. Removing names or other identifiers from student work does not relieve the instructor from the responsibility of obtaining copyright permission. For more information about FERPA, contact the University Registrar.
Library Suggestions and Complaints
We value your feedback! Please use this form to share any suggestions or complaints that you may have. Your input helps us improve our services.