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Maximize the Impact of Your YuJa Video
Posted June 19, 2024
Maximize the Impact of Your YuJa Video
Video content is a powerful educational tool in your course or training resource. To ensure your videos reach their intended audience effectively and make the desired impact, it's essential to follow some best practices.
Consider the following best practices when sharing your YuJa videos to ensure a smooth learning experience for your students.
Share direct links. Direct links to videos in emails, training resources, discussion forums, or course content areas ensure all learners can access your videos with ease.
Embed videos. If possible, embedding videos directly into your course or training resource provides seamless access within the structure of the course for an uninterrupted learning experience.
Enable auto-single-sign-on. Ensuring auto-SSO is enabled for embedded and direct linked videos allows for quick access to your videos, reducing the time required for your students to sign in to YuJa and increasing learner productivity.
Enable interactive features: YuJa’s comment feature allows learners to interact with the content and other learners. YuJa’s quiz options can help to reinforce learning and assess understanding.
Add captions: Adding captions makes your videos accessible to students with varying hearing abilities and learning preferences.
Access viewer analytics and data: You can monitor and improve your content through Yuja’s analytics tools to track watch time, completion rates, and engagement. Consider utilizing YuJa’s comments or quiz features as well to encourage more engagement and to better understand the learner’s experience.
Visit the ITS KnowledgeBase for detailed step-by-step instructions and screenshots regarding these best practices:
If you have questions or need assistance with YuJa or any other learning technologies, please reach out to the ITS Help Desk at 618-650-5500 or [email protected].