Salary Deferral Calculator (ESTIMATE)
Instructions: The Salary Deferral Calculator is used to provide an estimate of gross pay. Use the GROSS PAY from your contract or pay statement during the academic year. Overload and summer pay do not apply. Your "Number of Pays" refers to the number of semi-monthly pays you receive during the academic year contract period, e.g., 9 mo. contract = 18 pays, 10 mo. contract = 20 pays, etc.
Example: Your gross pay is $2,000.00 per payroll and your academic contract period is from August 16 to May 15 (18 pays). Enter $2,000.00 in field (a.) and press the TAB key on your keyboard. Next, enter 18 in field (b.) and press CALCULATE. Fields (c.) and (d.) will calculate automatically.
NOTE:This tool cannot be used if you are estimating your deferral after a salary reduction / increase or any type of unpaid leave. Also, defer payment is always made in full pay periods, no matter if the contract appointment period begins or ends in the middle of a pay period. Please contact Robin Ermer [email protected] if you have problems with this tool.
(Use the Tab Key to move to next field)