Need Assistance?
For help logging in, email [email protected] or call 618-650-5500.
To have a sponsor added in KR, email the full name, address and common abbreviation, if relevant, to [email protected] with the subject line: KR: Add Sponsor.
To request an affiliate account so non-SIUE personnel can access SIUE systems, send an email to [email protected] from your SIUE email account as follows:
To: [email protected]
Subject: Request for Affiliate Account
Body: Reason for needing affiliate account. I need to provide access to [specify Kuali Research or Kuali Build] to a non-SIUE employee because [specify reason].
Subject: Request for Affiliate Account
Body: Reason for needing affiliate account. I need to provide access to [specify Kuali Research or Kuali Build] to a non-SIUE employee because [specify reason].
Affiliate Information:
Date of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Start Date:
End Date (if available):
External Permanent mailing address:
External Contact Phone:
External Contact email address:
Account Supervisor or Academic Sponsor:
Academic Unit:
Brief description of the purpose of the account:
Thank you,
Requestor Name
For other help within KR or KB, email [email protected] or contact the following individuals. Use the Graduate School contact page to obtain current contact information.
- Award: Post-Award Services Grants Administrator
- Build: Associate Dean
- Conflict of Interest: Compliance Coordinator
- Negotiation: Post-Award Services Grants Administrator
- Protocols: Compliance Coordinator
- Proposal Development: Pre-Award Services
- Sub-Award: Post-Award Services Grants Administrator