Faculty/Staff Travel/Presentation Support
- Use https://thinkcheckattend.org/ to ensure the conference is a legitimate venue.
The Research and Development (R&D) Fund provides limited travel support for major paper presentations. A major paper is defined as (1) one refereed by an external professional peer group or (2) one that is invitational, the invitation resulting from recognition of the researcher's professional status by external peer group. (The latter need not be refereed, the invitation being adequate to define the paper as a major paper.) All internal funding requirements must be met before travel funds can be accessed except under extenuating circumstances.
All full-time continuing members of the faculty (including clinical faculty, tenure track, and non-tenure track) and postdoctoral fellows and visiting assistant professors may apply for one trip/presentation per fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Faculty who are PI or Co-PI on an active external award may apply for two trips/presentations per fiscal year in which the award is active; fixed price awards are eligible only during the initial award period. Eligibility requires that SIUE is the faculty member's home institution at the time of presentation.
Full-time instructors may be eligible; the department must consider the participation relevant to the department and the instructor’s work.
Full-time continuing staff members who are PI or Co-PI on an active grant may apply for one trip/presentation per fiscal year..
Emeritus faculty may be eligible; see Participation of Emeritus Faculty in Graduate Education and Research.
Additional Details
- Funding is granted for travel within or outside the U.S. (see below) up to a maximum of $2000 beginning July 1, 2023.
- In the case of multiple authors on a paper, poster, or presentation, R&D funding will be limited to support only one of the authors. Faculty mentors may, however, apply for funding to accompany a graduate student to present shared research. Go to Graduate and Professional Doctoral Student Travel Support.
- All requests for travel support are to be received at least 10 business days prior to date of departure.
Travel Outside the Continental U.S.
- No travel to countries designated Level 4 at the time of the travel request will be approved. Please check your country to determine its designation.
- State funds provided for a trip outside the continental United States may not exceed what is typically needed for national travel (not greater than $2500 per individual per trip). Any Cost beyond this may be from Foundation funds at the discretion of the School/College Dean, Graduate School Travel Program, ICR funds at the discretion of the School/College Dean, or is the responsibility of the traveler. Travel funds derived from externally funded grants and contracts are excluded from this cap.
- Review the “Foreign Travel” section of the travel voucher guidelines.
- If you are traveling internationally, contact University Risk Management for travel and insurance information.
- If traveling outside the U.S., you are subject to federal export control regulations. View the guidelines regarding export control regulations and licenses and submit the appropriate paperwork before departure. An Export License or a completed Temporary Export Form must be part of the application for Graduate School travel funding support for international travel. Laptops, PDAs/cell phones, digital storage devices, data and software are subject to federal export controls regardless of the reason for travel. Visit the Export Controls Website for more information about how export controls apply to your trip, as well as information about an export license and the Temporary Export Form.
- Clean Laptop Program for International Travel - SIUE’s ITS has developed a program for international travelers to obtain clean laptops for use while they are abroad on SIUE-related business. The laptops will provide both you and the University extra security in the event that the laptop is compromised and will assist both you and the University with maintaining export control compliance. The procedure is as follows: To request a Clean Laptop for travel abroad email ITS at [email protected]. Include your name, eID, the date needed, and date to be returned. Allow at least 10 business days to prepare the laptop for travel. ITS has a limited availability and requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis. The length of checkout should not be longer than a month. If you must keep it longer, specify the reason in your request email. Note that ITS may be unable to accommodate your request. VERY IMPORTANT: Upon returning to the United States, your password will need to be changed as soon as possible. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD ON THE TRAVEL LAPTOP.
How to Apply
Applications are now electronic through Kuali Build Travel/Presentation Funding application. For guidance on accessing a previously saved application in Kuali Build , visit this Graduate School FAQs page.
Information/Documents Required in Online Application Form include:
- Projected budget for all costs associated with the travel/presentation (complete in electronic application)
- An abstract of the paper accepted for presentation (copied or typed into electronic application)
- Documented proof showing clear indication of peer review or special invitation (file upload)
- Proof of acceptance to conference or exhibition (file upload)
Travel/presentation funds are for the purpose of research dissemination at conferences or other professionally sanctioned activities. Travel/presentation funds are also available for graduate students. Requests to give presentations at other universities, unless part of a recognized conference, are generally not supported. Similarly, administrative functions at professional meetings such as panel chairs and organizers, are generally not supported.
Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. Applications must be submitted through Kuali Build a minimum of 10 working days before the event/travel occurs.
Review Procedure
The Dean of the Graduate School or designee makes all final decisions regarding the use of R&D funds.
Program Contact
Any questions concerning eligibility regarding this program may be directed to [email protected]. Questions regarding funds transfers and financial reports may be directed to [email protected] .