Application Process
The EUE proposal should contain the following information, assembled in the order indicated. Proposals that do not follow the prescribed format will not be reviewed. Subheadings within the proposal narrative should be clearly labeled. Note the stringent page and format limits on the proposal narrative. An application must be emailed as an attachment to [email protected] by the due date. The following is an overview of the required elements and detailed instructions are found here.
Section 1: Cover page
- Title, Project Director contact information, etc.
- Leave Project ID # blank in the proposal
- "Student Impact" refers to the number of students impacted in a year
Section 2: Project Narrative
- Summary (500 word limit)
- Narrative file (file upload with a limit of 6 double-spaced pages)
- Project Budget, Budget Justification and Cost-Sharing summary (included in Narrative file, but not counted in page limits)
- Biographical Sketch or CV (2 page limit per applicant)
- Appendices (must be approved by EUE coordinator before including)
Section 3: Support Statement from Chair and Dean
- Memos from Chair and Dean (to be included with application)
Section 4: Results from Prior EUE Support (if applicable)
- Project description and outcomes (1000 word limit)
Evaluation Criteria
The review committee consists of the Faculty Development Council of the Faculty Senate plus members of the professional staff. The committee may seek advice from other persons or committees, such as Library staff, Information Technology Services, the General Education Committee, or the Office of Enrollment Management. The review committee makes recommendations to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, who holds the authority for granting the awards. The following criteria are used by the committee (download the rubric):
- Degree of excellence and innovation
- Impact on undergraduate education
- Alignment with EUE emphases
- Clarity of description
- Cost effectiveness
- Qualifications of project directors to carry out the project
- Validity of evaluation plan
- Adherence to cost-sharing guidelines
- Previous funding
Review Process
Proposals are distributed among three review panels, consisting of members from the Faculty Development Council (FDC), professional staff representatives to the FDC, and the EUE Coordinator. Proposals requesting more than $20,000 are reviewed by all panels with emphasis on the assessment plan for the proposal. Panel members review proposals individually and then as a panel, making recommendations for funding to the FDC. The entire council discusses all proposals and makes decisions regarding final awards. Proposals that fit the EUE priorities will be given priority review. The FDC then forwards recommendations for funding to the Provost.
The review process is transparent. Reviewers award numerical values 1-4 (Poor through Excellent) in the weighted areas shown in the Evaluation Criteria. Review panel members also list the strengths and weaknesses of each proposal, along with suggestions on how to improve the proposal for future submissions. Comments are compiled and summarized by the EUE coordinator and explicitly communicated to the project directors for both funded and unfunded proposals.