Sinan Onal, Ph. D.
Associate Professor and Chair
Industrial Engineering
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville,
Box 1805, Edwardsville, Illinois 62026
Tel: (618) 650-5889
Fax: (618) 650-2555
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Sinan Onal is an Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Chair of the Department of Industrial Engineering. His research interests lie in the broad areas of medical image processing and its applications, machine learning & data mining, computational biomechanics, and engineering education. Additionally, he worked for twelve years in the industry for several companies in a range of positions and departments. Dr. Onal has published more than 20 articles in scientific journals such as IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, SPIE Journal of Medical Imaging, and Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing. He has reviewed manuscripts for more than 10 journals, proposals for the NSF, and some other funding agencies, and serves on the NSF proposal review panels. He also serves on editorial boards of several journals such as Journal of Biomedical Graphics and Computing and Jacobs Journal of Medical Diagnosis and Medical Imaging. Dr. Onal’s research has been sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), and SIUE Seed Grants for Transitional and Exploratory Projects (STEP). He has also recently been recognized by the Graduate School as the recipient of the FY2020-2022 Hoppe Research Professor, a prestigious award that annually distinguishes and supports the scholarly endeavors of a faculty member. Dr. Onal enhanced his teaching activities through active involvement in the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Program (URCA) and by receiving The Excellence in Undergraduate Education (EUE) funding that helped him improve IE curriculum. He also led the IE program in developing new online courses that are well enrolled and well received by his students when they were away during the summer semesters. His peers in the department recognized his effectiveness as an instructor by selecting him as the recipient of the 2017 Industrial Engineering Outstanding Teacher Award. Dr. Onal is also recognized by the National Academy of Engineering through an invitation he received to give a presentation at the prestigious Frontiers in Engineering Education Symposium in 2015. He was also the STEM Center faculty fellow for 2017-2018. He was recently invited by a panel committee at Arizona State University Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering to give a talk about the development and implementation of service-learning activities into the engineering curriculum. Dr. Onal has been very active in his service activities and participated in a wide variety of service opportunities. Dr. Onal helps the SIUE Chapter of the Institute of Industrial and System Engineers (IISE), an active and the most prominent student organization in IE, by serving as their faculty advisor. He has been elected as the director of IISE Data Analytics & Information Systems Division (DAIS). With all these activities, he has been awarded the School of Engineering Outstanding Service Award for 2016.
Degrees Held
- Ph.D. Industrial and Management Systems Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, 2014
- M.S. Engineering Management , University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, 2010
- B.S. Wood Processing Industrial Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 1996
Areas of Expertise
- Medical Image Processing and its Applications
- Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Computational Biomechanics
- Engineering Education
- IE 370- Manufacturing Processes
- IE 430- Managing Engineering & Technology (Online)
- IE 431- Project Analysis and Controlling (Online)
- IE 451- Method Design & Work Measurements
- IE 470- Manufacturing Systems
- IE 490- Integrated Engineering Design (Capstone)
- IE 530- Engineering and Technology Management
- IE 531- Engineering Project Management
- IE 570- Assembly Engineering
- IE 581- Industrial Image Processing: Visual Quality Control in Manufacturing