Xin Chen, Ph. D.
Professor and Director of Graduate Program
Industrial Engineering
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville,
Box 1805, Edwardsville, Illinois 62026
Voice: (618) 650-2853
Fax: (618) 650-2555
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Chen is a Professor of Industrial Engineering at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Dr. Chen worked for Ford Motor Company as an industrial engineer for six years and has extensive experience working with industries and government agencies on various projects. Dr. Chen's current research areas include supply-chain network design and control based on complex network theory, effective knowledge acquisition with network-adaptive algorithms, conflict and error prognostics and diagnostics in air traffic control and energy grids, and optimization of healthcare delivery systems.
Degrees Held
- Ph.D. Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2009
- M.S. Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2005
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 1996
Areas of Expertise
- Production and Service Optimization
- Knowledge Management
- Network Theory and Complex Systems
- IE 345 Engineering Economic Analysis
- IE 458 Human Factors Engineering
- IE 515 Engineering Optimization Models
- IE 545 Financial Engineering
- IE 583 Supply Chain Logistics Systems