Get Involved in the CDC
Recruiters can become involved with the CDC and SIUE students through numerous events or workshops, such as career fairs, crash courses, mock interview days, mock networking and employer panels.
The CDC keeps a list of employers who are interested in participating in such events and contacts them as opportunities arise. Employers from all fields of interest and industries are encouraged to participate.
Employers wishing to become involved in any of these opportunities should contact the CDC for more details.
Donate to the CDC
The Career Development Center welcomes monetary gifts. These gifts are used to help bring guest speakers, workshops, and services to the students. We thank you for any donations you can give our office.
To give a monetary gift to the Career Development Center:
1. Please visit Give Now.
2. Fill out the “Proceed as a Guest” or “Registered Donor”
3. Fill in the amount for your monetary gift
4. Under Gift Information, click “Fund Options”
5. Type Career Development Center in the search function
6. Click “Select” next to the Career Development Center
7. Follow the instructions on the rest of the form
Donate to the Cougar Career Closet
The Career Development Center welcomes gently used professional attire donations. These donations can be dropped off at the Career Development Center during normal business hours (Monday - Friday 8 am 4:30 pm). Our office is located in the lower level of the Student Success Center, room 0281, right off parking lot B (visitor lot). We offer curbside pickup with a cart in lot B outside of the Student Success Center. No need to park, you can pull up to the curb and we can help carry your items inside. If you need curbside pickup, please call our office to schedule a drop off time at 618-650-3708.
Feel free to contact Karen Kaufman ([email protected]) with any questions.