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“The Demise of Opportunity in Higher Education and How to Restore the American Dream”
Guest Speaker: Dr. Suzanne Mettler of Cornell University
When: Monday, March 16, 2015, 4:00-5:00PM
Where: Community Room at UMSL at Grand Center
In the middle of the 20th century, the United States led the world in college graduation rates as landmark laws enabled growing numbers of Americans from across the income spectrum to become the first in their families to earn degrees. Today, by contrast, the nation lags behind several others, and although more students than ever enroll in college, their uneven graduation rates and experiences in the schools they attend combine to reinforce inequality. What’s gone wrong? Suzanne Mettler explains!
IUR Director Quoted in Next City Article on Public Housing
James Hanlon was interviewed as part of a Next City article titled Risks vs. Rewards: Inside HUD’s Favorite New Program. The new program is HUD's Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), which is the focus of Hanlon's current research. Public housing in the United States faces an uncertain future, and the article provides a nice overview of some of the key issues that will play a significant role in shaping its future.
Interdisciplinary Minor in Urban Studies Now Available at SIUE
The newly approved interdisciplinary minor in Urban Studies is now available as an SIUE program of study for students to pursue starting this semester.
Encompassing coursework in 12 different departments, the Urban Studies Minor is dedicated to the cultivation of knowledge and skills pertaining to urban issues at the local, national, and global scales.
A minor in Urban Studies will help prepare students to be informed, thoughtful, and engaged participants in an urban world by providing a broad program of study encompassing the social, cultural, geographical, historical, political, economic, and planning dimensions of cities and urban life.
The Institute for Urban Research Welcomes New Director
After seven years, Dr. Andrew Theising has stepped down from the role of director at the Institute for Urban Research at SIUE. Dr. Theising will be on sabbatical for the 2014-2015 school year where he will complete his publication on former St. Louis Mayor Raymond Tucker. However, he will continue his involvement with the IUR as Senior Research Fellow.
The IUR welcomes former Assisstant Director Dr. Jim Hanlon to the role of director. Dr. Hanlon is an Assisstant Professor in the Geography Department at SIUE. He studies urban, cultural, and historical geography, public and affordable housing, urban policy, racial segregation and inequality, and social theory. Dr. Hanlon brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the IUR and will lead the IUR to continue to do great things!
The IUR Has Temporarily Relocated
In order to accomodate ongoing renovations in Rendleman Hall, the Institute for Urban Research has temporarily relocated to the East St. Louis Campus, Building A. You can still reach us at Campus Box 1246, and at (618) 650-5262. Thank you to the SIUE East St. Louis Center for welcoming us – we look forward to working beside you for the next several months!
The Virtual East St. Louis Historical Society Website has Launched!

In honor of East St. Louis' 152nd birthday, the Institute for Urban Research is officially launching the Virtual East St. Louis Historical Society Website!
The Virtual East St. Louis Historical Society is an online portal that provides digital access to a variety of first and second-hand historical sources about the city of East St. Louis. The site gives users an interactive way to explore the rich history of East St. Louis through a variety of photos, videos, articles, newspapers, and facts about the city.
"The High School Question" survey data coming soon
Coming later this spring will be an analysis of the survey data of Dr. Sarah VanSlette's research into the effects of the age-old St. Louis question "Where did you go to high school?"
Dr. VanSlette's findings will report on the effect of the "high school question" on non-native St. Louisians, with information such as how many times they've been asked the question, how being a transplant influences employee relationships in workplaces, and how the question in general makes them feel about the St. Louis area.
Please stay tuned for the full analysis!
In the meantime, you can check out the Riverfront Times article about Dr. VanSlette's research, and their interactive flowchart to find out which school you might have attended had you lived in St. Louis at that time.
(flowchart snapshot courtesy of the Riverfront Times, article author Aimee Levitt)