Advisement, Mentoring and Declaration of a Major
If you are a new student who has never declared a major at SIUE, you should begin at the Academic Advising office in the Student Success Center, Suite 1220.All declared English majors (BA and BA+PEL) are advised by College of Arts and Sciences advisors. You must meet your CAS advisor to get your alternate PIN for registration.
Your advisor will help you to prepare and adhere to an academic plan (including changing your major or minor) and to choose your courses, as well as answer questions about academic policies and your progress.
There are two advisors for English: Matt Wheeler and Thomas Willhoit
Though you will be advised through the CAS Advising Office, we encourage you to take advantage of the resource you have in the form our fine faculty, any of whom could serve as your mentor. The BA+Educator Licensure Major and all of the minors have an assigned mentor as shown in the table below. We recommend that other majors make an appointment with Director of Undergraduate Studies Valerie Vogrin. She can give new majors an overview of the program and help them select the best mentor.Mentors provide advice and counsel based on their years of experience as successful students, professors, researchers, and writers in their particular fields of expertise. As such, meeting with your mentor is highly recommended.
Your mentor is available to discuss selecting your electives, your career path, graduate school plans, and general information about English studies. While the professors above have been assigned to you, the Department strongly encourages you to seek out your own mentors from among the professors you work with at SIUE. Your experience will lead you to professors whose specific interests align with your own. While it is true that professors have busy schedules, mentoring students is a particularly rewarding aspect of their professional responsibilities. You should respect their time, and yet you should not hesitate to ask for an appointment.
BA Majors + Professional Educator Licensure
Prof. Jill Anderson (Peck Hall 2230)
Prof. Heather Johnson (Peck Hall 0220)
BA Majors
Prof. Valerie Vogrin (Peck Hall 0214)
Creative Writing Minors
Prof. Joshua Kryah (Peck Hall 2223)
Rhetoric & Writing Minor
Prof. Anushiya Ramaswamy (Peck Hall 2228)
Linguistics Minors
Prof. Kristine Hildebrandt (Peck Hall 3206)