Faculty & Staff Copy Service
Located in the basement of Peck Hall, the CAS Copy Service provides photocopying and scanning of instructional and departmental materials for the faculty and staff of the SIUE College of Arts and Sciences.
Our Services
- Photocopying
- Scanning
- Lab Books
- Department Brochures
- Laminating
- Special Projects
General Policies and Guidelines
CAS Copy Service is governed by US copyright laws and supports the protection of intellectual property. Requests in violation of copyright laws or that do not fall within the standards of Fair Use will be refused.
Turnaround time: 1 business day minimum / 2 business days minimum for copies from books.
Instructional Materials
—The College of Arts and Sciences encourages placing classroom reading materials on Blackboard as often as possible. Class notes/outlines, study guides, PowerPoint slides, etc., fall into this category. All reading materials over 6 single pages (originals already back to back = 2 single pages) should be submitted as a scan order for placing on Blackboard. Hard-copy reading materials not exceeding 6 single pages will automatically be copied back to back.
—Worksheets are pages to be completed by students; they must have more than one question/problem, etc., per set or else will be treated as readings.
—Exams, quizzes, and worksheets may be requested as single-sided copies. If not specified, they will be double-sided copies.
Color Copies
Color copies (brochures, flyers, small posters) may be requested for projects promoting the activities of departments or department-sponsored student organizations within the SIUE College of Arts and Sciences. Materials must include the university wordmark and be approved by department chairs/program directors. We provide 25 single-page copies per project meeting these guidelines; additional copies will be billed at the current rate per page. Requests not meeting these guidelines can be charged to a departmental account.
We will not make color copies for classroom use.
Work Orders
NOTE: We will not copy/scan more than 20% of a book as per copyright guidelines. We do keep track of requests from books.
- CAS Copy Order (Email) — please use when emailing copy orders
- CAS Copy Order (Printable) — please use for hard copy drop-off orders
- CAS Scan Work Order
- CAS Lab Book Work Order NEW 2023
- CAS Special Order Form — please use when requesting work charged to a departmental account
Security and Staffing
During business hours, only authorized personnel are allowed access to the main Copy Service office, and the office is staffed at all times. No one is allowed in the office after hours. Most requests are completed by student workers. The supervisor of the Copy Service will identify the students to instructors and discuss alternatives to avoid conflicts of interest.
Location and Hours
Main Copy Service
Peck Hall 0226
Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Self-Service Copier
Peck Hall 0201
Open during regular business hours and accessible via the card swipe after hours. Faculty and staff with copy codes are allotted 300 single-sided (or 150 double-sided) copies per month on the self-service copier.
After-Hours Drop Box
There is a tray on the table next to the mail bins in the entry to the wing for leaving work orders after business hours.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
SIUE Copy Service
Peck Hall, Box 1608
Edwardsville, IL 62026-1608
Phone: 618-650-2478
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 618-650-3509
Supervisor: Melanie Ethridge