Accommodating Students: Wording for Syllabus
Option 1:
Services for Students Needing Accommodations
Students needing accommodations because of medical diagnosis or major life impairment will need to register with Accessible Campus Community & Equitable Student Support (ACCESS) and complete an intake process before accommodations will be given. Students who believe they have a diagnosis, but do not have documentation, should contact ACCESS for assistance and/or appropriate referral. The ACCESS office is located in the Student Success Center, Room 1203. You can also reach the office by emailing us at [email protected] or by calling 618-650-3726.
If you feel you would need additional help in the event of an emergency situation, please notify your instructor to be shown the evacuation route and discuss specific needs for assistance.
Option 2:
Services for Students Needing Accommodations
It is the policy and practice of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville to create inclusive learning environments. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or to accurate assessment of achievement—such as time-limited exams, inaccessible web content or the use of non-captioned videos—please contact Accessible Campus Community and Equitable Student Support (ACCESS) as soon as possible. In order to properly determine reasonable accommodations, students must register with ACCESS either online at or in person in the Student Success Center, Room 1203. You can also reach the office by emailing us at [email protected] or by calling 618-650-3726.
If you feel you would need additional help in the event of an emergency situation, please notify your instructor to be shown the evacuation route and discuss specific needs for assistance.
Sample Wording for Online Course Syllabus
Students needing accommodations because of medical diagnosis or major life impairment will need to register with Accessible Campus Community & Equitable Student Support (ACCESS) and complete an intake process before accommodations will be given. Students who believe they have a diagnosis, but do not have documentation, should contact ACCESS for assistance and/or appropriate referral.
Faculty are encouraged to remember:
- All online matter must be accessible to students with print and media disorders. This material includes; online text matter, reference material, as well as video and audio files. ITS is a very good resource to assist with accessible online materials.
- All accommodations are valid in online courses. Testing time extensions are valid accommodations and faculty should increase testing time to double time for those students utilizing this accommodation. Instructions on how to allow a student extended time on Blackboard examinations may be found on Knowledge Base.
- Students with disabilities cannot be required to be proctored during online exams unless the entire class is being similarly proctored.
- If you do not have any quizzes, exams or finals, then double time is not necessary.
- Please note, it is inappropriate to inquire about the nature or diagnosis of a student’s disability.
- Please address any questions and concerns to ACCESS. The ACCESS office is located in the Student Success Center, Room 1203. You can also reach the office by emailing us at [email protected] or by calling 618-650-3726.