Sunny Chang
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
E-mail: [email protected]
SW 3140, Box 1652
Phone: (618) 650-5120
B.S., Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, CA
Ph.D., Molecular Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Sunny Chang is an instructor in the Dept of Pharmaceutical Sciences. In her graduate studies, Sunny studied the structural biology and biophysical chemistry of Bacterial Microcompartment (BMC) proteins using X-ray crystallography and Molecular Dynamics. BMCs are used by bacteria to compartmentalize metabolic reactions involving cytotoxic or volatile intermediates such as in the metabolism of 1,2-propanediol which is used by specific bacteria in the gut. Her work helped to establish the selective passive diffusion across the BMC shell through the analysis of critical point mutations of a BMC shell protein and of all-atom simulations with force-biasing Metadynamics. As an NIH IRACDA postdoctoral fellow, Sunny pursued biomedical research in the genetic influence in cardiovascular disease and trained in evidence-based teaching pedagogies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the university classroom. Whether mentoring undergraduate students in the lab or teaching in lecture setting, Sunny is an advocate for active learning strategies and teaching practices that are student-centered. She uses her research and teaching background to enrich the experience of students in her classroom and promote their success.