Karin Sandoval, Ph.D
Research Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
(618) 650‑5144
Fax: (618) 650‑5145
[email protected]
B.A., University of Northern Colorado
Ph.D., 2004, University of Arizona
Dr. Karin Sandoval is an Assistant Research professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in cell biology and industrial chemistry from the University of Northern Colorado and a PhD degree in Pharmacology/Toxicology with a minor in Neuroscience from the University of Arizona, College of Medicine. Dr. Sandoval’s research is focused on drug discovery for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, and the role of diet, disease, and medication on the microvasculature. Dr. Sandoval has additional research interests in biostatistical model building for clinical and basic sciences, with emphasis on pharmacoepidemiological evaluations in the elderly.
Research-Instructional Focus
- Instruction of student research (Undergraduate, pharmacy, and graduate student) in laboratory techniques and protocols, including but not limited to: Western blot, ELISAs, ligand-binding, activity assays, animal husbandry, dosing, and data/statistical analyses.
- Standard statistical evaluations performed: logistic regression, linear regression, Poisson regression, categorical data analysis, linear mixed models, basic statistics, and survival analysis.
- Commonly used statistics programs, and other programs: R, SAS, Gpower, SigmaPlot, and Geographic Information System (GIS).
- Pedagogical participation in learning/seminar programs including, but not limited to: mentoring series, faculty development programs, teaching instruction techniques, and enhancement of technologies for learning in the classroom.
Current Funding
- National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke-NIH, role: Co-investigator; Title: Dietary impact on blood-brain barrier tight junctions (8-1-2015 thru 7-31-2017).
- National Institute of Aging-NIH, R01, role: Co-investigator; Title: Lead Optimization of Somatostatin-based Therapeutic for Alzheimer's Disease (6-15-2015 thru 6-14-2020).
Professional Affiliations
- Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) (2013-current)
- Academic Drug Discovery Consortium (ADDC) (2013-current)
- Alzheimer’s Association (2012-current)
- Society for Neuroscience (SFN) (1998-current)
Representative Publications
Clinical-Epidemiological Sciences:
- Sandoval K.E., Schootman M. Predictors of Progression from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s disease with sex and Apolipoprotein E genotype (in progress).
- Sandoval K.E., and Witt K.A. Chapter-36: Gastrointestinal Drugs: Side-effects of Drugs annual, vol 37. Elsevier 2015.
Foundational Sciences:
- Witt K.A. and Sandoval K.E. Steroids and the blood-brain barrier: Therapeutic Implications. Pharmacology of the Blood Brain Barrier: Targeting CNS disorders. Adv Pharmacol. 2014;71:361-90.).
- Sandoval K.E., Witt K.A., Crider A.M., Kontoyianni M. Somatostatin Receptor-4 Agonists as Candidates for Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. Frontiers in Drug Design and Discovery, 2014, chapter-7, vol. 6.
- Sandoval K.E., Farr S.A., Banks W.A., Crider A.M., Morely J.E., and Witt K.A. Somatostatin receptor subtype-4 agonist NNC 26-9100 mitigates the effect of soluble Aβ42 oligomers via a metalloproteinase-dependent mechanism, Brain Research, 2013, Jul3, 1520: 145-156.