NCERC Biofuels Team Takes Advocacy Message on the Road
News Release
Contact: Courtney Breckenridge
[email protected]
Office: 618-659-6737 ext. 230
EDWARDSVILLE - The NCERC at SIUE team will crisscross the country next week, presenting research findings and advocating for federal biofuels policy as staff members participate in a national conferences in St. Louis, Omaha, Neb. and Washington, D.C.
“Advocacy, education and research are core elements of the Center’s mission,” said NCERC Director John Caupert. “Whether meeting with legislators on Capitol Hill, presenting research breakthroughs or learning about the latest industry innovations, these efforts extend the NCERC’s influence, allowing us to better meet market demands and stay on the forefront of biofuels research.”
In Washington, Caupert and Director of Communications Courtney Breckenridge will educate lawmakers on the positive impacts of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) during the Growth Energy Advocacy Conference from Sept. 8-11. Caupert and Breckenridge will join ethanol and advanced biofuels producers, technology innovators, and other industry leaders in meetings with White House staff and members of the Illinois delegation. The focus of these conversations will include the effects of the RFS on the NCERC’s research and other recent breakthroughs at the Center.
At the National Advanced Biofuels Conference in Omaha, Research Director Dr. Sabrina Trupia will again take the stage to present her groundbreaking work on advanced biofuels feedstocks. Trupia’s presentations are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 10 and 11. Focusing on her breakthrough work on corn kernel fiber to cellulosic ethanol, she also will present her sweet sorghum research in collaboration with the United Sorghum Checkoff Program.
Trupia’s 2012 breakthrough conversion of corn kernel fiber to cellulosic ethanol established her leadership in the fermentation of cellulosic feedstocks. She most recently addressed an international audience of plant breeders, agronomists and scientists during a U.S. Department of Agriculture Workshop on Sweet Sorghum for Biofuels and Chemicals.
The NCERC also will take part in the Agriculture Innovation Showcase in St. Louis from Sept. 9 -11. Director of Operations Frank Romano will represent the Center as he meets with potential clients and learns about the latest industry ideas and agriculture innovations.
About The NCERC
The NCERC is a nationally recognized research center dedicated to the development and commercialization of biofuels, specialty chemicals and other renewable compounds. The Center’s fully functional dry grind pilot plant and laboratories are equipped with advanced biofuels capabilities including corn fractionation, pretreatment, and a fermentation suite with 5, 30, 150 and 1500L scale-up. Facilities are staffed by industry veterans with more than 100 years of collective experience in fermentation and biofuels production. This knowledgeable team has the flexibility and expertise to design and carry out projects in any region of the advanced biofuels or specialty chemicals space. For more information, contact Courtney Breckenridge, (618) 659-6737 ext. 230, [email protected], or visit