Boeing hosts Sustainable Aviation Fuels discussion at NCERC
News Release
Contact: Claire Weinzierl
[email protected]
Office: 618-659-6737 ext. 260
EDWARDSVILLE - The National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (NCERC at SIUE) hosted representation from The Boeing Company in August.
Joe Ellsworth, Regional Director of Environmental Strategy and Integration for Boeing began his visit to the NCERC meeting with Director of Research Dr. Yan Zhang and Assistant Professor of Chemistry and NCERC Fermentation Chemist Dr. Jie Dong, who then took him on a tour of the pilot plant and laboratories. Following his tour, Ellsworth delivered a presentation entitled “Boeing and Sustainable Aviation Fuels,” to attendees from across the SIUE campus. Attendees included Chancellor Randy Pembrook, Dean of the Graduate School Jerry Weinberg, Dean Greg Budzban of the College of Arts and Sciences, and several others in addition to NCERC staff.
Relative to fossil fuels, Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a sustainably-produced, unconventional jet fuel that reduces carbon dioxide emissions throughout its life cycle. The aviation industry prefers to use the acronym, ‘SAF,’ because not all fuel feedstocks are derived from biomass.
SAF is produced from a wide range of feedstocks including municipal solid waste, cellulosic waste, used cooking oil, halophytes, algae and more. Some types of SAF perform better than Jet A and Jet A-1 used in aviation due to their higher energy density, so less fuel is needed. Other key advantages are diversified supply through non-food crop sources and other economic and social benefits.
Ellsworth described Boeing’s role and actions in the industry to support their ultimate goal: to reduce emissions. Boeing and the commercial aviation industry have voluntarily committed to stop the growth of carbon dioxide emissions by 2020 and cut them to half of what they were in 2005 by 2050. Sustainable fuel has the best long-term potential to meet those goals. The company’s roles include protecting the environment, assuring industry growth and addressing customers’ needs via activities such as support and advocacy, feedstock and pathway research and development, and fuels approval. These activities support Boeing’s overall goal of protecting the environment and supporting the sustainable growth of air transport for both passengers and cargo.
“Aviation makes the world a better place by connecting people and goods efficiently and economically. As ticket prices have declined and the global middle class has increased, the number of air travelers has doubled since 2006 and is expected to double again within the next 20 years. While flying is a responsible choice for travelers, the industry recognizes climate change is serious and deserves credible action,” Ellsworth said.
According to Boeing, in addition to flying highly efficient airplanes and improving operations, sustainable aviation fuel is a key part of Boeing’s “all of the above strategy” to help the industry meet its environmental goals and support the long-term sustainable growth of air transport. When produced sustainably, scientific studies show biofuel can reduce emissions up to 80% over the fuel’s life cycle compared to petroleum fuel, depending on the source used to make it.
Ellsworth also noted Boeing’s involvement in a collaborative aquaculture project in the United Arab Emirates.
“Boeing collaborates with partners around the world on projects using purpose-grown feedstocks that produce sustainable aviation fuel and can also address other issues. The Seawater Energy and Agriculture System in the United Arab Emirates, for example, produces fuel from oil contained in plants that grow in the desert. The plants are fertilized by farm-raised fish, which then provide food for a nation that imports nearly 85% of its needs,” Ellsworth said.
Some additional projects that Boeing is working on include a nicotine-free tobacco feedstock in South Africa to revitalize farming communities negatively affected by declining demand for nicotine-based products and a sugarcane feedstock used to produce sustainable aviation fuel.
A question and answer portion followed Ellsworth’s presentation, sparking discussion on biofuels, aviation fuels and agriculture among attendees.
When asked about the potential of a relationship between Boeing and NCERC, Ellsworth emphasized the importance of partnerships in the industry. “We don’t make fuels, we make planes,” Ellsworth said. The Boeing Company has expressed interest in exploring future collaboration opportunities with NCERC.
About the NCERC
The NCERC is a nationally recognized research center dedicated to the development and commercialization of biofuels, specialty chemicals and other renewable compounds. The Center’s fully functional dry grind pilot plant and laboratories are equipped with advanced biofuels capabilities including corn fractionation, pretreatment, and a fermentation suite with 5, 30, 150 and 1500L scale-up. Facilities are staffed by industry veterans with more than 100 years of collective experience in fermentation and biofuels production. This knowledgeable team has the flexibility and expertise to design and carry out projects in any region of the advanced biofuels or specialty chemicals space. For more information, contact Courtney Breckenridge, (618) 659-6737 ext. 230, [email protected], or visit