Ben Rader-Russ David Music Collection: G - H  Titles


Title Composer Arranger Publisher Year Box ACC #
G - Minor Symphony Mozart, W. A. Moses, Theo Carl Fischer 1896 73 92.2
Garden Suite in two parts (Gavotte) unknown   Photo Play Music Co. 1917 48 820a
Garden Suite in two parts (Nocturne) unknown   Photo Play Music Co. 1917 48 820b
Gardenia Densmore, John H. Loud, W. E. Boston Music Co. 1918 52 36.1
Gavotte         25 388
Gavotte Mericanto, Oscar Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1917 58 165.1b
Gay and Wistful Intermezzo Savino, Domenico   Atlas Music Corp. 1924 31 452
Gems from the Manhattan Opera House Moses - Tobani, Theo   Carl Fischer 1908 67 57.2
Gems of Offenbachs Operas No. 2 Offenbach, J. Tobani, Theo M. Carl Fischer 1883 87 92.4
Gems of Stephen Foster Moses - Tobani, Theo Lake, M. L. Carl Fischer 1914 64 20.2
Gentle Dove, The Bendix, Theo   Walter Jacobs   12 185
Geroge Washington Jr. Selection Cohan, Geo M.   F. A. Mills   78 79.3
Giannina mia Hauerbach, Otto   G. Schirmer   34 507
Giannina mia Friml, Rudolf   G. Schirmer 1912 34 508
Gipsy's Serenade Nehl, W. Seredy, J. S. Carl Fischer 1923 16 261a
Girl of the Golden West, The Puccini, G. von der Mehen, J. Louis G. Ricordi & Co. 1911 88 11.5
Girl on the Golden West, The Puccini, G. Langey, Otto G. Ricordi & Co. 1911 69 71.2a
Gliding Girl, The Sousa, John Philip   John Church Co. 1912 90 31.5
Go Home and Tell Your Mother Fields - McHugh   Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer Corp. 1930 99 92.5
Go Home and Tell Your Mother Fields - McHugh   Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer Corp. 1930 99 93.5
God Bless America Berlin, Irving   Irving Berlin 1939 36 528
Goin' Conga Iznaga, Alberto Sacasas, Anselmo Pan American Music Co. 1941 98 81.5
Golondrina, La Serradell Roth, Alfred Carl Fischer 1903 26 395a
Gondoliera Moszokowski, M. Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1912 58 163.1
Gone - But Still In My Heart David, Lee Katzman, Louis M. Witmark & Sons 1922 97 71.5
Good Bye Yradier, Chevalier de Tobani, Theo. M. Carl Fischer 1907 13 199b
Good Bye, My Love, Good Bye Ball, Ernest R.   M. Witmark & Sons 1911 75 38.3
Good Night Sweetheart Nobel, Ray Savino, Domenico Metro - Goldwyn - Myer Corp. 1931 51 9.1
Good Night Sweetheart Campbell, Jimmy Savino, Domenico Metro - Goldwyn - Myer Corp. 1931 51 9.1
Good Night Sweetheart Connelly, Reg. Savino, Domenico Metro - Goldwyn - Myer Corp. 1931 51 9.1
Good Night Sweetheart Noble - Campbell - Connelly   Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer Corp. 1931 99 90.5
Good Old U.S.A. Morse, Theodore Evans, Everett Haviland Pub. Co.   87 99.4
Grand American Fantasia (America Forever) Tobani - Theo Moses   Carl Fischer 1904 92 64.5
Grand Fantasia from the opera "Pagliacci" Leoncavallo, R. Jungnickel, Ross G. Schirmer 1915 65 37.2
Grand Fantasie - From the Opera "Faust" Gounod, Chas Jungnickel, Ross Ross Jungnickel 1914 81 6.4
Grand Operatic Medley Waltz   St. Clair, F. J. H. N. White   21 333
Grand Selection from Verdi's Opera "Rigoletto" Roberts, Chas J.   Carl Fischer 1913 66 39.2b
Grande Polka de Concert Barlette, Homer Newton Schmid, Adolf G. Schirmer 1925 55 105.1
Grande Valse Brillante Chopin, F. Roth, Alfred Carl Fischer 1905 25 389
Gratitude Schoenfeld, WM Chas.   Photo Play Music Co. 1920 44 728
Graziella Laurendeau, L. P.   Carl Fischer 1904 52 39.1
Gritana, La Kreisler, Fritz Roberts, Charles J. Carl Fischer 1925 18 292
Gypsy Beggar, The         34 505
Gypsy Love Lehar, Franz   Chappel & Co. 1911 85 65.4
Gypsy Love Song Herbert, Victor Langey, Otto Carl Fischer   8 121a
Gypsy Maids         34 506
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 1) Introduction Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5a
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 10) Admiral's Song Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5l
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 11) Audacious Tar Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5m
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 12) Can I Survive This Overbearing Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5n
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 2) I'm Called Little Buttercup Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5b
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 3) Nightengale's Song Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5c
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 4) My Gallant Crew Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5d
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 4a) My Gallant Crew Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5e
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 5) Sorry Her Lot Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5f
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 6) Over The Bright Blue Sea Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5g
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 7) We Sail The Ocean Blue Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5h
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 8) No Give Three Cheers Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5i
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 9) When I Was A Lad Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5j
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act I. - 9a) For I Hold That On The Seas Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5k
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act II. - 13) Song: Fair Moon Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5p
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act II. - 14) Things Are Seldom What They Seem Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5q
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act II. - 15) The Hours Creep On A Pace Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5r
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act II. - 16) Bell Trio Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5s
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act II. - 17) The Merry Maiden and the Tar Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5t
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act II. - 18) Carefully on Tip-Toe Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5u
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act II. - 18a) He Is An Englishman Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5v
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act II. - 19) Farewell My Own Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5w
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act II. - 20) Baby Farming Song Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5x
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act II. - 20a) O Bliss!  O Rapture! Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5y
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act II. - 21) O Joy!  O Rapture! Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5z
H.M.S. Pinafore - Act II. - Introduction Sullivan, Arthur Catlin, E. N. Thompson & Odell 1879 91 49.5o
H.M.S. Pinafore - Selections from: Sullivan, Arthur Henneberg, Paul Carl Fischer 1911 91 50.5
Habanera and Vaquero's Song Herbert, Victor Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1912 5 89
Had I But Known Art, William Savino, D. Robbins - Engel 1926 43 725
Hail America (March) Drumm, George   G. Schirmer 1917 27 409
Hallelujah Chorus, Messias Handel Moses, Theo Carl Fischer 1892 16 254b
Hansel and Gretel (From E. Humperdinck's Opera) Roberts, Chas J.   Carl Fischer 1910 67 50.2
Harvest Festival, The Chenoweth, Wilbur, R. Roberts, Charles J. Carl Fischer 1924 51 1.1
Haunting Humoreske Black, Frank   Forster Music Publ. 1924 96 54.5
Heart - Wounds Grieg, Edvard Roberts, Charles J. Carl Fischer 1922 55 90.1b
Heart of Her, The Cadman, Charles Wakefield Borch, Gaston Oliver Ditson Co.   10 160b
Heart Throbs Herbert, Victor Sanford, Harold Carl Fischer 1925 18 288
Heart Throbs Herbert, Victor Sanford, Harold Carl Fischer 1925 57 135.1
Hearts and Flowers (A New Flower Song) Tobani, Theo M.   Carl Fischer 1893 33 479
Heartsease Moret, Neil Lampe, J. Bodewalt Jerome H. Remick & Co.   3 51
Heart-Wounds Grieg, Edvard Roberts, Charles J. Carl Fischer   3 61a
Heavens Are Telling - The Creation, The Haydn, J. Moses, Theo Carl Fischer 1893 16 258a
Hebrew Melody Schron, Josef Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1919 13 209
Hebrew Melody Achron, Josef Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1919 58 168.1
Hejre Kati (Scene de la Czardas) Hubay, Jeno Klugescheid, R. Carl Fischer 1909 24 369
Henry VIII (Ballet - Divertissement) No. I. Introduction - Entrée Des Clans   Tobani, Theo M. Carl Fischer 1909 89 18.5a
Henry VIII (Ballet - Divertissement) No. II. Idyle Ecossaise   Tobani, Theo M. Carl Fischer 1909 89 18.5b
Henry VIII (Ballet - Divertissement) No. III. La Fete Du Houblon   Tobani, Theo M. Carl Fischer 1909 89 18.5c
Henry VIII (Ballet - Divertissement) No. IV. Danse De La Gipsy   Tobani, Theo M. Carl Fischer 1909 89 19.5a
Henry VIII (Ballet - Divertissement) No. V. Scherzetto   Tobani, Theo M. Carl Fischer 1909 89 19.5b
Henry VIII (Ballet - Divertissement) No. VI. Gigue Et Final   Tobani, Theo M. Carl Fischer 1909 89 19.5c
High Heels and Buckles Moore, Luella Lockwood Trinkaus, Geo J. M. Witmark & Sons 1911 48 817c
Himno Nacional del Peru       1927 35 514
Hindoo Priests (Incantation) The King's Bal Masque-C Bendix, Theo   M. Witmark & Sons   5 91
Hindu Dance Shelley, Harry Rowe Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1920 16 255a
Hindu Dance Shelly, Harry Rowe Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1920 60 209.1a
Holy City, The Adams, Stephen Tobani, Theo M. Carl Fischer 1899 42 697a
Honor Legion, The Vance, Carroll H.   Carl Fischer 1934 93 76.5
Honeymooners, The (Selection) Cohan, George M.   F. A. Mills   78 78.3
Hop - Sing (Chinese Fantasie) Katzenstein, E. Seredy, J. S. Carl Fischer 1920 57 136.1b
Hope's Awakening Kempinski, Leo A.   Photo Play Music Co. 1920 47 802
Hora Staccato Dinicu - Heifetz Schmid, Adolf Carl Fischer 1930 36 527
Hot Stuff Rose - Jackson - Wiedoeft Rose, Gene unknown   89 22.5b
How Long Will It Last? Lief - Meyer   Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer Corp. 1931 99 96.5
Humoreske Dvorak, Anton Roberts, Charles J. Carl Fischer 1911 19 300
Humoresque Tschaikowsky, Q. Roberts, Charles J. Carl Fischer 1917 13 201
Humpty Dumpty's Funeral March Brandeis, Frederick Schmid, Adolf G. Schirmer 1923 41 687
Hungarian Dance Brahms Hildreth, R. E. Walter Jacobs 1911 50 863
Hungarian Dance No. 1 Brahms, Johannes Roberts, Charles J. Carl Fischer 1913 54 75.1b
Hungarian Dance No. 1 Brahams, Johannes Riesenfeld, Hugo G. Schirmer 1912 77 68.3a
Hungarian Dance No. 1 Ascher, Emil   Emil Ascher 1915 77 70.3a
Hungarian Dance no. 2 Brahms, Johannes Roberts, Charles J. Carl Fischer 1914 8 125
Hungarian Dance No. 2 Ascher, Emil   Emil Ascher 1915 77 70.3b
Hungarian Dance No. 3 Brahms, Johannes Roberts, Charles J. Carl Fischer 1913 54 75.1a
Hungarian Dance No. 3 Brahams, Johannes Riesenfeld, Hugo G. Schirmer 1912 77 68.3b
Hungarian Dance No. 3 Ascher, Emil   Emil Ascher 1915 77 70.3c
Hungarian Dance No. 4 Ascher, Emil   Emil Ascher 1915 77 70.3d
Hungarian Dance No. 7 Brahms Hildreth, R. E. Walter Jacobs 1909 87 98.4b
Hungarian Dances No. 1 Brahms, Johannes Roberts, Charles J. Carl Fischer 1913 11 170b
Hungarian Dances No. 3 Brahms, Johannes Roberts, Charles J. Carl Fischer 1913 11 170a
Hungarian Dances Nos. 7 and 8 Brahms, Johannes Seredy, Julius S. Carl Fischer 1921 34 504
Hungarian Fantasia Tobani, Theo Moses   Carl Fischer 1892 54 74.1
Hungarian Fantasia Moses - Tobani, Theo   Carl Fischer 1892 62 12.2
Hungarian Fantasia Tobani - Theo Moses   Carl Fischer 1892 92 62.5
Hungarian Fantasia Black, Frank   Forster Music Publ. 1924 96 51.5
Hungarian Fantasia (2nd) Tobani, Theo Moses   Carl Fischer 1909 54 76.1
Hungarian Fantasia(2nd) Moses - Tobani, Theo   Carl Fischer 1909 62 14.2
Hungarian Fantasia(2nd) Tobani - Theo Moses   Carl Fischer 1909 92 63.5
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 3 in D Major Liszt, Franz Roberts, Charles J. Carl Fischer 1921 61 1.2
Hungarian Romance, A Bendix, Theo   Carl Fischer 1908 43 708
Hungarian Romance, A Bendix, Theo   M. Witmark & Sons 1908 53 63.1
Hunting Scene, A Bucalossi, P.   Carl Fischer   635 524
Hyacinth, The Hatch, Emma Lyons Anderson, Hilding Carl Fischer 1903 40 659
Hymn to the Sun (from "The Golden Cockerel") Korsakoff, N. Rimsky Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1919 30 451a
Hymn to the Sun (From "The Golden Cockerel") Rimsky - Korsakoff, N. Langey, Otto G. Schirmer 1919 54 66.1a


If you have questions or comments, about this collection, please contact Therese Dickman, Fine Arts Librarian, Lovejoy Library, at [email protected] or call 618-650-2695