Residence Housing Association

The Residence Housing Association (RHA) is the voice and representation of residential students at SIUE. Representing 3,000 students from all five residential areas, RHA remains dedicated to improving on-campus living and objectively providing a voice for the concerns of our residents.
RHA aims to improve the student living environment through both creative programming and policy influence. RHA influences policy changes through legislation and advocacy and develops student leadership through attendance and involvement at various conferences and more. RHA executes both traditional and new events on campus, such as Homecoming Dance and Mud Volleyball.
As a University Housing resident, you already are a member of RHA; check out the services and events offered.
What We Do
- Host campus forums with departments for resident needs.
- Coordinate annual fee review for University Housing.
- Policy changes.
- Host events for residents.
- Uphold traditional events (Mud Volleyball).
- Send delegations to regional and national conferences.
- Affiliate with NACURH each year.
- Host training and development.
How can you be involved in RHA?
- Become involved in one of three committees: Engagement, Advocacy, Development
- Play a larger role as a member.
- Become an officer or representative
- Join a committee
- Take on an extra task/duty needed from an executive board member
- Help promote the image of RHA
Come, join, promote, and get involved in making a change today!
Semester Calendar of Events
RHA Sponsorship
RHA members interested in attending conferences can apply for co-sponsorship, reducing travel expenses. If interested in attending a conference and receiving funds from a co-sponsor, please fill out and submit the form below.
RHA Conference Sponsorship Guidelines and Form
RHA can co-sponsor campus organization events. If you are looking for a sponsor, please read the sponsorship guidelines in the document below. If you are interested in receiving aid from RHA from a co-sponsorship and meet the guidelines, please fill out and submit the form below.
RHA Program Sponsorship Guidelines and Form