What is EUE?
The Excellence in Undergraduate Education (EUE) program at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville was established in 1986 to fund innovative projects in undergraduate education. Since its initiation, the University has allocated nearly $10 million to projects through this program. The program has served as a catalyst for the improvement of undergraduate curricula and programs at SIUE. EUE is administered through the Faculty Development Council of the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
Requests for proposals are sent out near the end of the calendar year with an application date in early spring semester. Potential applicants should note that the guidelines and priorities for the program may change from year to year.
In its mission statement, the University assigns first priority to supporting a student-centered educational community dedicated to communicating, expanding and integrating knowledge. The purpose of the EUE program is to support this mission by funding projects that will contribute to excellence and innovation in undergraduate education. Faculty, staff and students are eligible to submit proposals to the EUE program.
If you have any questions regarding the current status of EUE, please contact Britt Peterson, [email protected].