Transportation Engineering Elective Schedule & Courses
(Revised 1/2025)
The schedule of recommended courses in the area of transportation engineering is given below. In addition, up to three courses from the approved transportation electives list may be taken following the first semester. Students must be enrolled during the term they present their research. International students should contact SIUE International Student Services to confirm their plans meet applicable requirements.
You are required to have your plan of study for your M.S. degree approved by your Graduate Advisory Committee before enrolling in your second term of study.
Transportation Engineering Course Schedule A, B, C
- Spring - CE 460, CE 474, CE 578, ENG 491
- Summer - CE 435, CE 596, ENG 491
- Fall - CE 475, CE 579, ENG 491
- Spring - CE 460, CE 492-05, CE 492-14, CE 576
- Summer - CE 596, ENG 491
- Fall - CE 460, CE 476, CE 492-14, CE 592-05
A. Courses in italics are offered in the daytime only. All other courses are offered in the evening, online or on Saturday.
B. All courses are subject to re-scheduling or cancellation based on demand and faculty availability.
C. Course titles are listed below. For descriptions, see the Civil Engineering course section in the graduate catalog.
- CE 435 - Pavement Design
- CE 460 - Municipal Infrastructure Design
- CE 474 - Computer Simulation in Traffic Engineering
- CE 475 - Transportation Planning
- CE 476 - Traffic Studies
- CE 492-05 – GIS Applications in Transportation Engineering
- CE 492-06 - Highway Route Design
- CE 492-07 - Evaluation of Transportation Alternatives
- CE 492-14 - CE Technical & Research Proposal Writing
- CE 576 - Traffic Signals
- CE 578 - Intelligent Transportation Systems
- CE 579 - Transportation Safety Systems
- CE 592-05 – Statistical Applications in Transportation Engineering
- CE 596 - Sustainable Engineering
- ENG 491 (EGR section recommended) - Technical & Business Writing for Engineers
- UNIV 500 - Continuing enrollment
Approved Transportation Engineering Masters Degree Elective Courses (12/2017)
Up to three courses, including ENG 491 / CE 492-14, may be chosen from the following approved courses. Any course not on this list must be approved by your graduate committee prior to enrollment. Without prior approval, the course will not be accepted for the MS in civil engineering degree.
To obtain approval, write a memo to your advisor justifying the inclusion of the course in your plan of study. Include a description of the course, and, if required by your committee, a syllabus.
- CE 501 (4) Project Management (not currently being offered)
- ECON 445 Economics of the Public Sector: State and Local
- ENG 491 Technical and Business writing
- GEO 418 Geographic Information Systems
- POLS 424 Administrative Law
- PAPA 420 Quantitative Analysis
- PAPA 501 Public Organizations
- PAPA 506 Public Law
- PAPA 507 Values and the Practice of Public Administration
- PAPA 530 Public Budgeting
- PAPA 550 Public Policy: Context, Process and Analysis
- ACS 413 Case Studies in Public Relations
- ACS 434 Nonverbal Communication
- STAT 410 Statistical Analysis
- STAT 480a,b Mathematical Statistics
Courses taken that do not count for your MS in civil engineering degree will require, prior to enrollment, the signature of the department in which the course is taught.