Active Shooter/Hostile Intruder
Call 911
In order to know how to act when a hostile intruder situation arises, we must first define what a hostile intruder is. We will define a hostile intruder as any person who comes onto campus for the purpose of causing death or great bodily harm. This could be a subject who is armed with a firearm, knife, or any other object that could be used to cause great bodily harm to another. As such, there is no one answer of what to do when the situation occurs. In the event of a hostile intruder coming on any of the campuses of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, the following guidance should be followed:
Armed Intruder- Causing Violence/Active Shooter
- If a person enters your building with a weapon, if possible, immediately run away from the building.
- If you think you can safely make it out of the building or area by running, then do so. When fleeing from a hostile intruder never run directly away in a straight line, you should zigzag, keeping your movements sporadic. Always try to keep objects like furniture, desks or even buildings, trees, and vehicles between you and the intruder. Once away from the immediate area of danger, summon help (911) any way you can and warn others.
- Warn other people to get out of the area, provide assistance if able, and try to remain calm.
- If evacuating the building is not possible, immediately cover any windows or openings that have a direct line of sight into the hallway. Barricade entry doors with desks, tables, or anything that could prevent an intruder from entering the room or to slow them down. Arm yourself with an object to throw or hit the intruder with if they attempt to climb through your barricade.
- If outside windows open, are you able to get out and run? If not, close the blinds or curtains.
- Stay away from the windows. Do not try to “see what’s happening.”
- If in a hallway or open area, try to get to a classroom, an office, or other secure location and stay as quiet as possible.
- If communication is available, immediately call 911. Do not assume that someone else has called the Police.
- Turn off lights and all audio equipment.
- Do not sound the fire alarm. A fire alarm would signal to building occupants the need to evacuate the building and thus place them in potential harm as they attempt to exit.
- Keep everyone together, but do not allow one person’s decision to dictate what is best for everyone.
- If you are caught in an open area such as a hallway or lounge, etc., you must decide what you are going to do. This is a very crucial time, and it can possibly mean life or death.
- You can try to hide, but make sure it is a well-hidden space or you may be found as the intruder moves through the building or area looking for victims. Take into consideration the area in which you are hiding. Will I be found here? Is this really a good spot to remain hidden?
- If the hostile intruder is causing death or serious physical injury to others and you are unable to run or hide, you may choose to play dead if other victims are around you.
- Your last option, if you are confronted with a hostile intruder, may be to fight. Remember, fighting back does not necessarily mean going "hands on" with the intruder. When fighting back you need to either close the distance to go hands-on or conversely, create distance between you and the intruder if possible, working your way to an exit from the room or building.
- If possible, disarm the intruder and secure the person until University Police arrive. You may have to secure the person by having several people sit on them or use an electrical extension cord to tie them up.
- Do not hold the firearm. Police will not be able to tell you from the hostile intruder if you are the one holding the firearm. Secure the firearm/s in an area where the hostile intruder could not get it back. You can place a handgun on the floor and turn a trashcan over on it and sit on the trash can until Police arrive. If it is a long gun, place it on the ground far away from the intruder and create a barricade between it and the intruder. This could take the cooperation of several people if available.
- If you are caught by the intruder and are not going to fight back, obey all commands and do not look the intruder in the eyes. This is only an option if the intruder has yet to cause death or great bodily harm. If the intruder has already caused death, then they are already committed, and having you alive does not change their situation nor does it reason with their goals and objectives.
- When the Police arrive, obey all commands. Drop anything in your hands and put them up so the police can see them clearly. You may be handcuffed or asked to keep your hands in the air or behind your head. This is done for safety reasons and once the police evaluate the circumstances, you will be given further directions to follow.
Armed Intruder- Not Causing Violence/Hostage Situation
- Stay as calm as you can. When hostages panic, hostage takers panic and the situation can escalate beyond the intruder’s original intentions. Be alert but maintain a low profile. You can appear calm by following directions and avoiding sensitive topics in any conversation with the hostage taker. Maintain eye contact with the captor when speaking with them but do not stare. Be as polite and friendly as possible.
- Avoid drastic action if you are not in immediate danger of death or serious physical injury. Be observant. You may be released or you may escape. The personal safety of others may depend on your memory.
- By empathizing or appearing to empathize with your captor, you may become a person to them rather than a bargaining chip. In some cases, by creating a bond, hostages have been able to make their captors unwilling to harm them. By connecting and personalizing the interactions, you buy yourself time by slowing things down. Encourage the negotiation process and keep the focus on outside contact.
- While encouraging a negotiated release or some other peaceful conclusion, remain alert to rescue efforts and escape opportunities. Drink water and eat if food is available. Rest when you can. It is important to keep your strength up and remain as healthy as possible. If medications, first aid, or restroom privileges are needed by anyone, say so.
- If things change and the intruder becomes an active killer: As a victim, you have two basic options. Escape in any way possible: through doors, windows, or stairs, and run at angles away from the threat, placing cover or obstacles between you and the danger until you are safe. Or disarm and disable the intruder as quickly as possible with as much force as needed.
- When the police arrive do not pose a threat. Show and empty your hands. Get down on the ground. Follow the orders of the police.
Unarmed Hostile Intruder
- Stay as calm as you can. You can appear calm by following directions and avoiding sensitive topics in conversation with the hostile intruder. Maintain eye contact with the person when speaking with them but do not stare. Be as polite and friendly as possible.
- Call or have someone call the police and report what is happening. Be prepared to provide a description of the intruder (height, weight, race, gender, hair color, and clothing description).
- Keep your distance. When a hostile intruder comes in unarmed, distance is your friend. Try and keep an object, like a desk, in between you and if possible, try to work your way towards an exit. Be ready to run away should the intruder try and attack you.
- Do not argue with the subject. Most people in an agitated state are not able to be reasoned with.
- Wait for the police to arrive and listen to their commands. After the intruder is secured, be ready to provide a statement to the police.
A review of the following presentations is no substitute for participating in a live training session. For more information on how to schedule a training session contact the SIUE Police Department at 618-650-3324 or email [email protected].
*Caution, viewer discretion is advised, disturbing images and sounds may occur. Some viewers may find the videos upsetting. *
Other University Videos:
- Violent Person on Campus: Know You Can Survive
- Missouri S&T: How to Survive an Active Shooter
- NIH Educational Video for Active Shooter Situations
Additional Resources:
- Active Shooter Event [pdf]
- Active Shooter Pocket Reference Card [pdf]
- Active Shooter: How to Respond [pdf]