Tianlong Yu, Ed.D.
[email protected]
Ed.D., 2002, Binghamton University-SUNY
Social Foundations of Education
(618) 650-3945
1118 Alumni Hall
About Dr. Yu
Dr. Yu teaches courses in philosophical and social foundations of education in a variety of graduate programs at the department, including Diversity and Equity in Education, College Student Personnel Administration, and Ed.D. in Educational Leadership. He also frequently supervises student capstone research projects at the masters and doctoral level. Dr. Yu joined SIUE in 2006 after obtaining his Ed.D. in Educational Theory and Practice from Binghamton University and teaching for four years at D’Youville College in Buffalo, NY.
Research Profile
As a scholar, Tian is primarily concerned with issues of identity, voice, representation, access, power and their relationships to schooling. He researches and writes on moral, citizenship, and multicultural education in both American and Chinese contexts. He is currently working on several projects including a narrative study of the experience of Chinese university intellectuals under political repression, and implications for democracy and education.
Selected Publications
- Yu, T. (2021). Examining colorism in China: Multicultural education for inclusion, equity and justice. In C. Halse & K. Kennedy (Eds.). The future of multiculturalism in turbulent times. New York: Routledge.
- Yu, T. (2020). Does democracy still have a chance? Contextualizing citizenship education in China. Chinese Education & Society, 53 (1-2), 14-24.
- Yu, T. (2018). A new virtue-centered education for democratic citizenship. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 13 (2), 253-261.
- Yu, T. (2017). Pedagogy of eating and moral education reform. Moral Education China, 193 (1), 9-10. (Published in Chinese)
- Yu, T. (2016). Building good schools all children deserve: A Review of Alfie Kohn’s The Schools Our Children Deserve: Moving beyond Traditional Classrooms and “Tougher Standards.” In J DeVitis (Ed.). Popular education classics (pp.309-320). New York: Peter Lang.
- Yu, T. (2014). Obama and antiracist education: Lessons for teachers. In J. DeVitis & K. Teitelbaum (Eds.). School reform critics: The struggle for democratic schooling (pp.175- 185). New York: Peter Lang.
- Yu, T. (2013). The best is yet to come: Confucius’s hope. In T. Kress and R. Lake (Eds.). We saved the best for you: Letters of hope, imagination and wisdom to 21st century educators (pp.207-210). Boston: Sense Publishers.
- Yu, T. (2013). Educating for world citizens in Chinese schools: Moral education in the cosmopolitan age. In K. Kennedy, G. Fairbrother, & Z. Zhao (Eds.). Citizenship education in China: Preparing citizens for “the Chinese century” (pp.85-99). New York: Routledge.
- Yu, T. (2012). “What is it that I don’t know?” Learning with White teachers in anti-racist education. Multicultural Education Magazine, 19 (4), 47-52.
- Yu, T. (2012). Toward an education that is moral. In R. Lake (Ed.). Dear Nel: Opening the circles of care (Letters to Nel Noddings) (pp.92-94). New York: Teachers College Press.
- DeVitis, J. & Yu, T. (2011). The “moral poverty” of character education. In J. DeVitis & T. Yu (Eds.). Character and moral education: A reader (pp.53-62). New York: Peter Lang.
- Yu, T. (2010). Character education for adolescents: Pedagogy of Control. In J. DeVitis & L. Irwin-DeVitis (Eds.). Adolescent education: A reader (pp.407-419). New York: Peter Lang.
- Yu, T. (2010). Learning to care: A conversation with Nel Noddings. Journal of Global Education, 39 (11), 10-13.
- Yu, T. (2010). Deconstructing the master narrative on Tibet: Lessons for education. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 31 (1), 1-15.
- Yu, T. (2008). The revival of Confucianism in Chinese schools: A historical-political review. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 28 (2), 113-129.
- Yu, T. (2006). Challenging the politics of the “model minority” stereotype: A case for educational equality. Equity & Excellence in Education, 39 (4), 325-333.
- Wang, H. & Yu, T. (2006). Beyond promise: Autobiography and multicultural education. Multicultural Education Magazine, 13(4), 29-35.