J.T. Snipes, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
[email protected]
Ph.D., 2017, Indiana University
Higher Education
(618) 650-3943
1118 Alumni Hall
About Dr. Snipes
Dr. Snipes teaches courses in qualitative research methods, foundations, and diversity classes in the College Student Personnel Administration program. He also frequently supervises student capstone research projects at the master’s level. Dr. Snipes joined SIUE in 2018 after obtaining his Ph.D. in Higher Education from the Indiana University.
Research Profile
Dr. Snipes’ research interest focuses on religion and spirituality in higher education, African American collegiate students, and critical race theory in education. He recently completed his award-winning dissertation entitled, “Ain’t I Black too: Counterstories of Black Atheist in College.” It explores the narratives of secular African American students in college. His latest edited volume Remixed and Reimagined: Innovations in Religion, Spirituality, and (Inter)Faith in Higher Education invites readers to rethink religious scholarship and practice in higher education and student affairs.
- Snipes. J.T., Manson, S. (Eds.) (2020). Remixed and Reimagined: Innovations in Religion, Spirituality, and (Inter)Faith in Higher Education. Gorham, ME: Myers Education Press.
- Correia-Harker, B., Snipes, J.T., Rockenbach, A., & Mayhew, M. (2019). Student Perceptions of and Engagement with Worldview Diversity. In K. Goodman & M.E. Giess (Eds.) Educating about Religious Diversity and Interfaith Engagement. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
- Snipes, J.T. & Darnell, C. (2018). The “Browning” of Historical Black Colleges and Universities: Examining Non-Black Student Recruitment. In M.C. Brown II & T.E. Dancy II (Eds.), Black Colleges Across the Diaspora: Global Perspectives on Race and Stratification in Postsecondary Education. Boston, MA: Emerald Publishing Group.
- LePeau, L.A., Snipes, J.T., Zimmerman, H.B., & Morgan, D.L. (2018). Campus Educators Accruing Social Capital: Examining Bias Response Teams. Journal of College Student Development.
- Snipes, J.T. & LePeau, L.A. (2017). Becoming a Scholar: A Duoethnographic Study of Transformative Learning Spaces. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 30(6), 576-595.
- Snipes, J.T. & Correia-Harker, B.P. (2017). Revisiting the Assessment Context: A Call to Interfaith Assessment. Journal of College and Character, 18(2), 130-135.
- Hughes, R.L., Giles, M.S., Haywood, J., Snipes, J.T. (2017). Media perceptions and constructions of race and sports: reflections on the duke lacrosse scandal. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 11, 3, 161-174
- LePeau, L.A., Morgan, D.L, Zimmerman, H.B., Snipes, J.T., & Marcotte, B. (2016). Connecting to get things done: A grounded theory of bias response teams. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 9(2), 113-129.
- Snipes, J.T. (2016). The College Graduate: My life as Translated by Kanye West. In B. McGowan & R. Palmer (Eds.), Black Men in the Academy: Stories of Resiliency, Achievement, and Success. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.