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Cougar Business Resource Center

School of Business

SIUE School of Business

Project Support Center

"Everything in business is a group project."

Jim Schlueter (SIUE MBA '84), Director of Communications for Engineering, Operations and Technology
The Boeing Company

Welcome to the SIUE School of Business Project Support Center

The mission of the Project Support Center (PSC) is to improve project experiences and outcomes for our School.  This website is but one step toward the ultimate goal of the PSC:  To provide a "project management headquarters" for the SIUE School of Business.

While the templates provided on this website are an important step toward that goal, we intend to grow the PSC into more than a static website.  We envision a PSC that serves as a go-to place for students, faculty, and staff on all things project (training, help with project management software, repository for post-project review reports, and more).

For now, the primary purpose of this website is to provide access to project management (PM) templates associated with the Techniques for Managing Projects book.  This book is used to push out standard practices for managing projects to students in MGMT 331, and is referenced by faculty and staff in organizing and executing their own projects.

The navigational buttons at left can be used to access templates associated with the book chapters.  The "Overview" button provides a brief explanation of the chapter structure.

If you have questions or comments about the material provided on this PSC website or are interested in obtaining a copy of Techniques for Managing Projects, contact Jo Ellen Moore at [email protected].

    "Individual commitment to a group effort -- that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."

Vince Lombardi

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