Dr. Larry LaFond
Ph.D. University of South Carolina, 2001
Office: Peck Hall 0219
Phone: (618) 650-2144
E-mail: [email protected]
Courses Taught at SIUE: English Composition (ENG 101), English Composition II (ENG 102), Grammatical Analysis (ENG 369), Principles of Linguistics (ENG 400), History of the English Language (ENG 403), Phonological Analysis (ENG 408), Syntactic Analysis (ENG 409), Second Language Acquisition (ENG 468), Grammar Pedagogy (ENG 543), and a variety of seminars in applied linguistics (ENG 597)
Research Interests: My research focuses on adult second language acquisition (SLA) and how second language learning occurs in the interfaces between syntax, discourse, morphology and semantics. As part of my work in linguistics, I have been engage in projects that deal with learners more generally—their motivations, strategies, background knowledge, and identity issues—and the role of linguistics in language teacher education. I also am interested in dialectal variation and am involved in ongoing inquiry into the dialects of Southern Illinois.
Research Opportunities: Undergraduate and graduate students interested in topics related to second language acquisition and/or syntax should contact me.