Dr. Matthew S. S. Johnson
Director of First-Year Writing
Ph.D. Indiana University
Office: PH 3201
Phone: (618) 650-2087
E-mail: [email protected]
Courses Taught: English Composition I (ENG 101), English Composition II (ENG 102), Composing Worlds -- Visualizing Words & Writing Images (w/ Erin Vigneau Dimick) (CIV 115), Digital Literacies (ENG 412), Methods of Teaching Secondary English -- Composition and Language (ENG 485), Politics of Composition Pedagogy (ENG 487), History of Rhetoric (ENG 488), Advanced Composition (ENG 490), Technical and Business Writing (ENG 491), Composition Pedagogy (for Graduate/Teaching Assistants) (ENG 554), Theory of Composition and Rhetoric (ENG 556), Practicum in the Teaching of Writing (ENG 558), Theory and Practice of Teaching Writing with Computers (ENG 572), Basic Writing Theory and Pedagogy (ENG 574), Post-Process Theory and 21st Century Audiences (ENG 581), Writing in the Field -- The Making, Teaching, and Publishing of Arguments (ENG 581), Currents in Composition (ENG 581).
Research Interests: Rhetoric-composition -- theory, pedagogy, and history; digital/electronic literacies and technology; basic writing; writing program administration; culture studies; game studies and ludology.